"Gastrostege" is a word in ENGLISH

gastrostege ENGLISH

One of the large scales on the belly of a serpent.

Few words of positivity

I think that to acknowledge a new generation is to acknowledge some degree of obsolescence in yourself, and that is very hard to do and often comes with undeniable anger.

Douglas Coupland

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the pigs paint their hoofs green?It was Saint Patrick's Day.


-a() {1} a? x added to nouns forming words which refer to a specific one of several: Kanang isdáa, dílì …

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abakahán - One who has plenty of—, is rich in—, hemp; containing hemp-plants, abákan – abiár suitable for a hemp-plantation. …

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abut v {1} [A; a12] arrive, reach a place. Dì pa makaabut (maabut) ang suwat, The letter wont have arrived …

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águm v [B1256; b4(1)] {1} undergo a bitter or painful experi-ence. Naágum sa dakung kapildíhan ang lungsud adtung bagyúha, The …

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albicore ENGLISH

A name applied to several large fishes of the Mackerel family, esp. Orcynus alalonga. One species (Orcynus thynnus), common in …

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ambù v [AN; acP] overlook, look from a high point, tower over. Ambúa tung táwu sa sílung, Look down at …

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amimihid CEBUANO

amimihid, amimihig (from bihig) n fiddler crab, k. o. small crab of tidal flats with one large red claw bigger …

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angkub CEBUANO

angkub n a covering over the opening of a small boat, the ana-logue of a deck on large boats. v …

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aniline ENGLISH

An organic base belonging to the phenylamines. It may be regarded as ammonia in which one hydrogen atom has been …

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aqueduct ENGLISH

A conductor, conduit, or artificial channel for conveying water, especially one for supplying large cities with water.

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ásta - (Sp. hasta) Till, until; even, not even. Hulatá akó ásta sa las díes. Wait for me till ten …

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atángan - Having an átang or more than one, as in the case of large rooms with bamboo-flooring. Ang baláy …

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baboon ENGLISH

One of the Old World Quadrumana, of the genera Cynocephalus and Papio; the dog-faced ape. Baboons have dog-like muzzles and …

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badiang, badiang HILIGAYNON

badiáng, bádiang - A tropical plant with very large leaves. Daw badiáng ang dulúnggan níya. His ears are as large …

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bahól - To be or become thick, stout, plump, large in circumference; thick, stout, plump; coarse (of cloth). Abáw, nagbahól …

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baláyo - (H) A pestle, especially one for a small mortar like almirés. (bayó; baráyo id.; cf. hál-o—the large pestle …

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baling CEBUANO

báling n large fish net operated by several people. v {1} [AN; a] catch fish with a large net. Makúhà …

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bandiha CEBUANO

bandíha n {1} food or drinks brought to a party. Magdala giyud kag bandíha sa pagpangunggu, You must bring food …

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bánggà - The part between the kitchen and house in Philippine houses, a passage on the level of the floors …

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barbában - Bearded, whiskered, one with a large beard. (cf. bungóton, bungtanán).

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