"Garroting" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH


A method of inflicting the death penalty on convicted criminals prac-tised in Spain, Portugal, aud some Spauish-American countries, consistiug in strangula-tion by means of an iron collar which is mechanically tightened about the neck of the sufferer, sometimes with the variation that a sharpened screw is made to advance from the back of the apparatus and pierce the base of the brain. Also, popularly, any form of strangling resorted to to overcome resist-ance or induce unconsciousness, especially as a concomitant to highway robbery

garroting ENGLISH

of Garrote

Few words of positivity

There was no arguing with a man's faith in the legends of his childhood.

Steven Saylor, Rogues

Laugh your heart out.

What is the strongest animal?A racehorse, because it can take hundreds of people for a ride at once!

acetimetry ENGLISH

The act or method of ascertaining the strength of vinegar, or the proportion of acetic acid contained in it.

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In Spanish law. A rlght of action; also the method of judicial pro-cedure for the recovery of property or a …

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adelantar HILIGAYNON

adelantár - (Sp. adelantar) To promote, ameliorate, introduce progressive methods or modern inventions; to advance, put on. Adelantahí akó ánay …

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Adjecttve Law LAW AND LEGAL

The aggregate of rules of procedure or practlce. As opposed to that body of law which the courts are es-tablished …

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adoration ENGLISH

A method of electing a pope by the expression of homage from two thirds of the conclave.

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alatasán - (H) A water channel that can be drained for catching fish by the method of "átas”, (which see).

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alcoholometry ENGLISH

The process or method of ascertaining the proportion of pure alcohol which spirituous liquors contain.

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In a manner conformable to allopathy; by allopathic methods.

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amatung CEBUANO

amátung n method of catching crabs by using shredded coconut as bait. v [A; a] catch land crabs by strewing …

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amethodist ENGLISH

One without method; a quack.

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analysis ENGLISH

A brief, methodical illustration of the principles of a science. In this sense it is nearly synonymous with synopsis.

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anglicism ENGLISH

The quality of being English; an English characteristic, custom, or method.

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anomalous ENGLISH

Deviating from a general rule, method, or analogy; abnormal; irregular; as, an anomalous proceeding.

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Irregular; exceptional; unusual; uot conforming to rule, method, or type

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apostrophe ENGLISH

A figure of speech by which the orator or writer suddenly breaks off from the previous method of his discourse, …

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aquatinta ENGLISH

A kind of etching in which spaces are bitten by the use of aqua fortis, by which an effect is …

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arithmetical ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to arithmetic; according to the rules or method of arithmetic.

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Conformably to the principles or methods of arithmetic.

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A system of rules serving to facilitate the performance of certain actions; a system of principles and rules for attaining …

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astronomical ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to astronomy; in accordance with the methods or principles of astronomy.

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