"Fumigate" is a word in ENGLISH

fumigate ENGLISH

To smoke; to perfume.

fumigate ENGLISH

To apply smoke to; to expose to smoke or vapor; to
purify, or free from infection, by the use of smoke or vapors.

Few words of positivity

Are you sure this isn't a nightmare? And that we won't just wake up?Yes.Because dreamers always wake up and leave their monsters behind.

Alexandra Bracken, In The Afterlight

Laugh your heart out.

What kind of fish will help you hear better ? A herring aid !


abánu n factory-made cigar. v {1} [A; a12] make into a cigar. {2} [A123S] have, obtain a cigar. paN- v …

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ábung v [A; c] bar, block the way. Abúngan ta ning karsádag dakung batu, Lets block the road with a …

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ágdom - A kind of shrub with rather dark leaves. Hence: to darken, be or become dark. Nagágdom ang íya …

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alapláag - (H) To disperse, spread, separate, (said of crowds, clouds, smoke, etc.). Ang asó nagaalapláag. The smoke is dispersing. …

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alasóhan - (H) Chimney, funnel, hole for the escape of smoke. (asó).

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alimbukad CEBUANO

alimbúkad (from bukad) v [A2S] {1} expand in an upward di-rection, well upwards. Mialimbúkad ang asu pagkasúnug sa asíti sa …

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alingasu CEBUANO

alingásu (from asu) a smoky. v [B; b6] get filled with smoke. Ug magsugba ka dinhi, mualingásu (maalingásu) ang kwartu, …

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ambuhut CEBUANO

ambúhut v [A] belch forth smoke. Nag-ambúhut ang asu, Smoke is billowing up. pa- v [A; b(1)] blow smoke from …

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ampiyun CEBUANO

ampiyun n opium. v [A12; a12] obtain opium, make opium. Ang lísu mauy ampiyunun, They make opium from the seeds. …

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anad-anad HILIGAYNON

anád-ánad - Dim. of ánad. Ginaanádánad níya ang íya ginháwa sa pagtabakô. He is gradually contracting a habit of smoking.

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anglem ILOKANO

n. smoke or smell of smoke of burning cloth. paper etc. v. /AG-/ to burn cotton, cloth, etc. in order …

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antutu CEBUANO

antutu v [B46; b6] pour forth smoke in quantities. Dakù giyung hikáya kay nag-antutu ang kusína, It must be a …

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apián - Opium. Indì ka magyúpyup sang apián, kay maláin inâ sa láwas páti kalág. Don’t smoke (literally "suck in”) …

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arbul v [AN; b5] join s. o. in s.t. they have to eat, drink, ask for a smoke. Mangarbul (muarbul) …

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arubuob ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-AM/ to fumigate, smoke. Arubuobam dayta kayo ta barbareng no agbunga. Fumigate that tree so that it may bear …

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asimbuyok ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to produce smoke, fume. Puroram dagita bulong dita sirok ti kayo tapno agasimbuyok. Burn those leaves there under …

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asó - Smoke, fume, reek; to smoke, emit smoke, to fume, reek; to fumigate, smoke out. Pasálpa ang pabílo, kay …

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aso Definition: 1) dog (noun) 2) smoke (noun) 2 Definition: uri ng hayop Notes: A dog is a delicacy in …

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n. smoke, fume, steam, vapor. v. /AG-/ to produce smoke, steam or vapor. adj. /NA-/ smoky, steamy. --syn. ASIMBUYOK. ASOSASION …

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