"Fumette" is a word in ENGLISH

fumette ENGLISH

The stench or high flavor of game or other meat when kept

Few words of positivity

...The happy Warrior... is he... whose powers shed round him in the common strife, or mild concerns of ordinary life, a constant influence, a peculiar grace; but who, if he be called upon to face some awful moment to which Heaven has joined great issues, good or bad for human kind, is happy as a lover; and attired with sudden brightness, like a man inspired; and, through the heat of conflict, keeps the law in calmness made, and sees what he foresaw; or if an unexpected call succeed, come when it will, is equal to the need: he who, though thus endued as with a sense and faculty for storm and turbulence, is yet a soul whose master-bias leans to homefelt pleasures and to gentle scenes; sweet images! which, wheresoe'er he be, are at his heart; and such fidelity it is his darling passion to approve; more brave for this, that he hath much to love:—

William Wordsworth, Character of the Happy Warrior

Laugh your heart out.

With the divorce rate so high in America, a new organization has beenformed called "Marriage Anonymous." Whenever a guy feels like gettingmarried, they send over a woman with crulers in her hair, cream on herface and wearing a torn housecoat to nag him out of it.


abô - (B) An exclamation denoting aversion, horror, contempt, emphatic denial or negation. Fie! Pshaw! Whew! Pooh! Abô, butíg inâ. …

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alisbu CEBUANO

alisbu n bad smell permeating the air. Ang alisbu sa patayng irù, The stench of the dead dog. v [BN46; …

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angtit ILOKANO

n. stench of fermenting fish, meat, etc. adj. /NA-/ having the stench of this.

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antus v [A; a1] {1} endure, stand. Mag-antus arun masantus, Endure if you are to become a saint. Makaantus ka …

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arángo - To stand, bear, suffer, be able to endure (especially the smell of bad odours). Indì akó makaarángo sang …

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asiénda - (Sp. hacienda) A farm on an extensive scale, large landed property, plantation. (cf. palangúmhan). asíg, An exclamation denoting …

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bahô - A stench, stink, an obnoxious or offensive smell; stinking: to stink, emit an offensive smell. Anáno nga banhô …

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bahù a {1} odorous, ill-smelling. Limpiyúhi ang kasilyas kay bahù kaáyu, Clean the toilet because it stinks. {2} having been …

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A flaming, roundish body shot into the air; a case filled with combustibles intended to burst and give light or …

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banaal ILOKANO

adj. /NA-/ having the stench of feces or excrement.

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banglig ILOKANO

adj. /NA-/ having the stench of rancid oil, lard, etc. --syn. BUNGLUG.

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bunglug ILOKANO

adj. /NA-/ having the stench of rancid oil, lard, etc. --syn. BANGLIG.

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dangro ILOKANO

adj. /NA-/ having the stench of spoiled meat or fish. --syn. LAES.

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A strong, offensive smell; stench; fetidness.

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An offensive smell; a stench.

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hilu n poison ingested. v {1} [A; b] poison s.t. or s. o. Kinsay naghilu sa irù? Who poisoned the …

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hubug a drunk, intoxicated. Hubug kaáyu ang táwu kay nag-susapinday na, The man must be very drunk. He is staggering. …

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hungaw CEBUANO

hungaw v {1} [A; b8] for wind to blow. Dílì ta makalawud ug muhungaw ang amíhan, We can not go …

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íro - To stand, tolerate, brook, suffer, be able to bear. Indì akó makaíro magkáon sang katúmbal. I cannot eat …

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kabahô - Stench, stink, bad smell, effluvium, noxious exhalation. (bahô).

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