"Farseeing" is a word in ENGLISH

farseeing ENGLISH

Able to see to a great distance; farsighted.

farseeing ENGLISH

Having foresight as regards the future.

Few words of positivity

If I see God as nothing more than a caricature of history or imagination I cannot do anything less than make myself my own ‘god’. And once I realize that in doing so my rendition of being a ‘god’ is embarrassingly inferior to the very caricature I am mimicking, I quickly come to realize that maybe the only thing that can be ‘god’ is a God. And if that is the case, I suddenly find myself hounded by the stunning reality that God is not a caricature.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Laugh your heart out.

Doctor, Doctor, with all the excitement of Christmas I can't sleep.Try lying on the edge of your bed...you'll soon drop off!

abiday ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to throw a wrap over one’s shoulder, to wrap oneself around the shoulder. /MANG-:-AN/ to cover or wrap …

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agwanta CEBUANO

agwanta v {1} [A; a12] endure, put up with. Walay pawntin-ping muagwanta ánang ímung ginawian, No pen can last the …

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aninaw ILOKANO

n. reflection, outline. v. /MAKA-: MA--AN/ to be able to perceive or see vaguely. Narigat nga maaninawan ti sumungsungad nga …

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aohog, awhog HILIGAYNON

áohog, áwhog - To look about searchingly or curiously, stretching one’s neck in order to get a better sight of …

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bastion ENGLISH

A work projecting outward from the main inclosure of a fortification, consisting of two faces and two flanks, and so …

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búntul - To throw to the ground, throw another on his back (as in wrestling). Buntulá siá. Throw him. Binúntul— …

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buslung CEBUANO

buslung v [A2; ab5] look at s.t. squarely without hiding that one is looking. Si Ána ra giyuy nakabuslung kay …

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cat-eyed ENGLISH

Having eyes like a cat; hence, able to see in the dark.

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Eavesdropping LAW AND LEGAL

In English criminal law. The ofTense of listening under walls or windows, or the eaves of a house, to hearken …

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A prefix signifying in or into, used in many English words, chiefly those borrowed from the French. Some English words …

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gakám - The span of the hand; to span, clasp, grasp, encircle with the hand; to cope with, be able …

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gebgeb ILOKANO

v. /MAKA-: MA--AN/ to be able to do or manage. Diak nga magebgeban amin nga trabahok. I cannot do all …

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erangement Is accompanied with more or less of excitement. Sometimes the excitement amounts to a fury. The individual ln such …

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In a general sense an “in-digent” person is one who Is'needy and poor, or one who has not suflicient property …

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Intimidation LAW AND LEGAL

In English law. Ev-ery person commits a misdemeanor, punish-able with a flne or Imprisonment, who wrong-fully uses vlolence to or …

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kúhà get and bring, get and take away. v {1} [A3S; ab7] get. Magkúhà kug túbig pára nímu, Ill get …

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Possessing learuing; erudite; versed in the law. In statutes prescribing the qualifications of Judges, “learned ln the law” designates one …

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Leave Of Court LAW AND LEGAL

Permission obtain* ed from a court to take some action which, without such permission, would not be allow-able; as, to …

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long-sighted ENGLISH

Able to see objects distinctly at a distance, but not close at hand; hypermetropic.

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