"Fabulize" is a word in ENGLISH

fabulize ENGLISH

To invent, compose, or relate fables or fictions.

Few words of positivity

Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.

Ernestine Ulmer

Laugh your heart out.

How do Iranians speak on the telephone?Persian-to-Persian (person-to-person).


ábtik - Dexterity, adroitness, skill, quickness, expertness in invention or execution; to be or become expert, adroit, dexterous, skillful. Bisán …

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adelantar HILIGAYNON

adelantár - (Sp. adelantar) To promote, ameliorate, introduce progressive methods or modern inventions; to advance, put on. Adelantahí akó ánay …

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adroit ENGLISH

Dexterous in the use of the hands or in the exercise of the mental faculties; exhibiting skill and readiness in …

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allemande ENGLISH

A dance in moderate twofold time, invented by the French in the reign of Louis XIV.; -- now mostly found …

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allopathy ENGLISH

That system of medical practice which aims to combat disease by the use of remedies which produce effects different from …

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almacantar ENGLISH

A recently invented instrument for observing the heavenly bodies as they cross a given almacantar circle. See Almucantar.

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To invent and offer reasons to support or overthrow a proposition, opinion, or measure; to use arguments; to reason.

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arquebuse ENGLISH

A sort of hand gun or firearm a contrivance answering to a trigger, by which the burning match was applied. …

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bákak - A lie, a story, an untruth, a fib, prevarication; to lie, tell stories or untruths, prevaricate. Ginbákak lang …

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barker's mill ENGLISH

A machine, invented in the 17th century, worked by a form of reaction wheel. The water flows into a vertical …

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basset ENGLISH

A game at cards, resembling the modern faro, said to have been invented at Venice.

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bergamot ENGLISH

A coarse tapestry, manufactured from flock of cotton or hemp, mixed with ox's or goat's hair; -- said to have …

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berlin ENGLISH

A four-wheeled carriage, having a sheltered seat behind the body and separate from it, invented in the 17th century, at …

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boston ENGLISH

A game at cards, played by four persons, with two packs of fifty-two cards each; -- said to be so …

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bramah press ENGLISH

A hydrostatic press of immense power, invented by Joseph Bramah of London. See under Hydrostatic.

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brunonian ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or invented by, Brown; -- a term applied to a system of medicine promulgated in the 18th century …

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budget ENGLISH

A bag or sack with its contents; hence, a stock or store; an accumulation; as, a budget of inventions.

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burnettize ENGLISH

To subject (wood, fabrics, etc.) to a process of saturation in a solution of chloride of zinc, to prevent decay; …

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butíg - A lie, falsehood, untruth, deception, invention, fabrication, perversion of the truth, prevarication, fib; to lie, tell lies, misstate, …

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caveat ENGLISH

A description of some invention, designed to be patented, lodged in the patent office before the patent right is applied …

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