"Exclusive" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH


Shuttlng out; debarring from interference or participation; vested ln one person alone. An exclusive right is one which only the grantee thereof can exercise, and from which all others are prohibited or shut out A statute does not grant an “ex-duslve" privilege or franchise, unless it shuts out or excludes others from enjoying a similar privilege or franchise. In re Union Ferry Co., 98 N. Y. 151

exclusive ENGLISH

Having the power of preventing entrance; debarring from
participation or enjoyment; possessed and enjoyed to the exclusion of
others; as, exclusive bars; exclusive privilege; exclusive circles of

exclusive ENGLISH

Not taking into the account; excluding from
consideration; -- opposed to inclusive; as, five thousand troops,
exclusive of artillery.

exclusive ENGLISH

One of a coterie who exclude others; one who from real
of affected fastidiousness limits his acquaintance to a select few.

Few words of positivity

We thought everything would be forgotten, but I still remember yourclaws running down my back.I wonder if you still think about us,the way I do.How our legs would crash into each other in the middle of the night, and how we endedup creating the moon in the confines of our beds.

Zaeema J. Hussain, The Sky Is Purple

Laugh your heart out.

A guy walks into a laundry run by cats. "Excuse me", he said tothe cat in charge, "Can you get milk stains out?" "Sure," repliedthe cat. "We'll have that stain licked in a minute!"


Quite by one's self; apart from, or exclusive of, others; single; solitary; -- applied to a person or thing.

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appropriate ENGLISH

To take to one's self in exclusion of others; to claim or use as by an exclusive right; as, let …

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appropriate ENGLISH

To set apart for, or assign to, a particular person or use, in exclusion of all others; -- with to …

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appropriation ENGLISH

The act of setting apart or assigning to a particular use or person, or of taking to one's self, in …

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n. exclusive property. v. /AG-/ to be alone, stay alone, live alone. Agbukbukod ni Pedron. Peter is now living alone. …

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Not communicative; not free or apt to impart to others in conversation; reserved; silent; as, the messenger was incommunicative; hence, …

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kami Definition: (pron) we (exclusive , I and others)

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Patrimonium LAW AND LEGAL

In the civU law. The prlvate and exclusive ownership or dominion of an individual. Things capable of belng possessed by …

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A qualified property in animals ferae natura; i. e., a privilege of hunting, taking, and killing them, in exclusion of …

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Right Close, Writ Of LAW AND LEGAL

An abol-ished writ which lay for tenants ln ancient demesne* and others of a similar nature, to try the right …

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selfishness ENGLISH

The quality or state of being selfish; exclusive regard to one's own interest or happiness; that supreme self-love or self-preference …

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túhoy - Preference, choice, predilection; intention, determination, decision, plan, desire, wish; direction, address; to prefer, have a predilection for, choose, …

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Not granted to any person, corporation, or the like, to the exclusion of others; as, unappropriated lands.

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