"Evermore" is a word in ENGLISH

evermore ENGLISH

During eternity; always; forever; for an indefinite
period; at all times; -- often used substantively with for.

Few words of positivity

The world is always waiting on you to show it what you are truly made of through your actions.

Laugh your heart out.

A dinner speaker was in such a hurry to get to his engagement that when he arrived and sat down at the head table, he suddenly realized that he had forgotten his false teeth.Turning to the man next to him he said, "I forgot my teeth."The man said, "No problem." With that he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of false teeth. "Try these," he said.The speaker tried them. "Too loose," he said.The man then said, "I have another pair...try these."The speaker tried them and responded, "Too tight."The man was not taken back at all. He then said, "I have one more paid of false teeth...try them."The speaker said, "They fit perfectly." With that he ate his meal and gave his address.After the dinner meeting was over, the speaker went over to thank the man who had helped him."I want to thank you for coming to my aid. Where is your office? I've been looking for a good dentist."The man replied, "I'm not a dentist. I'm the local undertaker."


One of the embodiments of the divine attributes of the Eternal Being.

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An immeasurable or infinite space of time; eternity; a long space of time; an age.

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aeonian ENGLISH

Eternal; everlasting.

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agnanayon ILOKANO

adv. always, eternally; eternal, perpetual. -- syn. KANAYON.

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One who believes that eternal punishment consists in annihilation or extinction of being; a destructionist.

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balabag CEBUANO

balábag v [A2S; c1] {1} lie across a path. Balabágun (ibábag) nátù pagbutang ang káhuy, Lets put the tree across …

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coeternal ENGLISH

Equally eternal.

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coeternity ENGLISH

Existence from eternity equally with another eternal being; equal eternity.

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dáyon - Continuous, permanent, lasting, perpetual, eternal, at all times, evermore, constantly, always, everlastingly; to continue, go on with, last, …

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dáyun {1} immediately, at once. Milakaw siya dáyun, He imme-diately walked away. Walà dáyun níya himatikdi ang ulitáwu, She did …

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diskansu CEBUANO

diskansu n {1} front porch. Adtu ta magpahayáhay sa diskansu, Lets get a breath of fresh air on the front …

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dualism ENGLISH

The doctrine that all mankind are divided by the arbitrary decree of God, and in his eternal foreknowledge, into two …

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Chosen as the object of mercy or divine favor; set apart to eternal life.

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emblem ENGLISH

A visible sign of an idea; an object, or the figure of an object, symbolizing and suggesting another object, or …

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enerlasting ENGLISH

Eternal duration, past of future; eternity.

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enerlasting ENGLISH

(With the definite article) The Eternal Being; God.

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eternal ENGLISH

Existing at all times without change; immutable.

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eternal ENGLISH

Without beginning or end of existence; always existing.

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eternal ENGLISH

One of the appellations of God.

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