"Evanesce" is a word in ENGLISH

evanesce ENGLISH

To vanish away; to become dissipated and disappear,
like vapor.

Few words of positivity

God used beautiful mathematics in creating the world.

Paul Dirac

Laugh your heart out.

Democrat men like to watch football while the women fix holiday meals. On this, Republicans are in full agreement.


alimúnaw - To disappear suddenly or unexpectedly, to melt away; to vanish, be missing. Nagalimúnaw gid lang ang ákon isulúlat …

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alipadnu CEBUANO

alipadnu n k. o. edible fresh-water limpet of dark olive green to grey color, oblong, growing to 1. It clings …

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as a particle it indicates: 1. the non-existence or absence of someone or something. Awan ti tao idiay balay. There …

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bátà n {1} child. {2} son or daughter. {3} mistress, concu-bine. {4} bodyguard, protege of s. o. of high rank. …

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To recede and grow fainter; to become imperceptible; to vanish; -- often with out or away.

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disappear ENGLISH

To cease to appear or to be perceived; to pass from view, gradually or suddenly; to vanish; to be no …

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disappearance ENGLISH

The act of disappearing; cessation of appearance; removal from sight; vanishing.

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dispel ENGLISH

To drive away by scattering, or so to cause to vanish; to clear away; to banish; to dissipate; as, to …

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disperse ENGLISH

To scatter, so as to cause to vanish; to dissipate; as, to disperse vapors.

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disperse ENGLISH

To separate; to go or move into different parts; to vanish; as, the company dispersed at ten o'clock; the clouds …

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dissipate ENGLISH

To separate into parts and disappear; to waste away; to scatter; to disperse; to vanish; as, a fog or cloud …

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dissolving ENGLISH

Melting; breaking up; vanishing.

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evanescence ENGLISH

The act or state of vanishing away; disappearance; as, the evanescence of vapor, of a dream, of earthly plants or …

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evanescent ENGLISH

Liable to vanish or pass away like vapor; vanishing; fleeting; as, evanescent joys.

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evanescent ENGLISH

Vanishing from notice; imperceptible.

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evanid ENGLISH

Liable to vanish or disappear; faint; weak; evanescent; as, evanid color.

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evanishment ENGLISH

A vanishing; disappearance.

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exhale ENGLISH

To rise or be given off, as vapor; to pass off, or vanish.

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To sink away; to disappear gradually; to grow dim; to vanish.

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