"Enrobe" is a word in ENGLISH

enrobe ENGLISH

To invest or adorn with a robe; to attire.

Few words of positivity

My health is good it's my age that's bad.

Roy Acuff

Laugh your heart out.

What does Paul Inces mum make for Christmas?Ince pies!


abay v {1} [AC; b6] move along together with s.t. moving. Lagmit hiligsan ang bátà kay nag-abay sa tartanilya, The …

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In the law of estates. Expectation; waiting; suspense; remembrance and contemplation in law. where there ls no person ln existence …

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abinturar CEBUANO

abinturar v [AN; b5] try ones luck. Miabinturar (nangabinturar) lang siyag aplay básig madáwat, He tried his luck in applying …

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accredit ENGLISH

To put or bring into credit; to invest with credit or authority; to sanction.

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Accumulations LAW AND LEGAL

when an executor or other trustee masses the rents, dividends, and other income which he receives, treats it as a …

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Lat From the slde. In connection with the succession to property, the term means “collateral.” Bract fol. 20b. Also, sometlmes, …

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alkansi CEBUANO

alkansi a losing, without gain or advantage. Alkansi kaáyu kug singkwintay ibáyad mu, I lose a lot if you pay …

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To sanction; to invest; to intrust.

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ambient ENGLISH

Encompassing on all sides; circumfused; investing.

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ambient ENGLISH

Something that surrounds or invests; as, air . . . being a perpetual ambient.

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aponeurosis ENGLISH

Any one of the thicker and denser of the deep fasciae which cover, invest, and the terminations and attachments of, …

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asu n {1} smoke. Way asu nga makumkum, You cant hide smoke in your fist. (No secret can be kept …

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bawhinya CEBUANO

bawhinya n orchid trees, small or ornamental trees of the genus bauhinia, bearing flowers resembling orchids. báwì v [A; a2] …

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blockade ENGLISH

To shut up, as a town or fortress, by investing it with troops or vessels or war for the purpose …

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ln international law. A marine investment or beleaguering of a town or harbor. A sort of olrcumvallatlon round a place …

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butang CEBUANO

butang v [A; c] {1} put down, in, on. Ikaw bay mubutang sa ákung lip-istik? Will you put my lipstick …

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capital ENGLISH

Money, property, or stock employed in trade, manufactures, etc.; the sum invested or lent, as distinguished from the income or …

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capitalist ENGLISH

One who has capital; one who has money for investment, or money invested; esp. a person of large property, which …

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capsule ENGLISH

A membranous sac containing fluid, or investing an organ or joint; as, the capsule of the lens of the eye. …

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carnate ENGLISH

Invested with, or embodied in, flesh.

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