"Enchannel" is a word in ENGLISH

enchannel ENGLISH

To make run in a channel.

Few words of positivity

It seems that rather than abandon their worldview, many young people are abandoning their lives altogether. I am disturbed to see the number of suicides and suicide attempts by those between the ages of fourteen and twenty-five. Many of their suicide notes report they had lost meaning, purpose and a sense that life held any value.This is no longer just about philosophy. This is about the very real lives we are all trying to make sense of here on Earth.

Jon Morrison, Clear Minds & Dirty Feet: A Reason to Hope, a Message to Share

Laugh your heart out.

Why is horse racing so romantic?Because the horse hugs the rails, the jockey puts his arms around the horse and you can kiss your money goodbye!

abaculus ENGLISH

A small tile of glass, marble, or other substance, of various colors, used in making ornamental patterns in mosaic pavements.

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ában - To finish, take away or off (a loom or the like). Abána ang ákon háblon sa madalî nga …

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ábang v {1} [A2S; b] rent. Ang usa ka kwartu giabángan sa tigúlang, The old man rents one of the …

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abaniku CEBUANO

abaníku n {1} folding fan. {1a} fan of any sort for fanning one-self. {2} blackberry lily, k. o. bulbous ornamental: …

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In advance. Thus, a legis-lature cannot agree ab ante to any modifica-tion or amendment to a law which a third …

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abánu n factory-made cigar. v {1} [A; a12] make into a cigar. {2} [A123S] have, obtain a cigar. paN- v …

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Abatement Of Freehold LAW AND LEGAL

This takes place where a person dies seised of an inheritance, and, before the heir or devisee enters, a stranger, …

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abbreviate ENGLISH

To make briefer; to shorten; to abridge; to reduce by contraction or omission, especially of words written or spoken.

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abbreviator ENGLISH

One of a college of seventy-two officers of the papal court whose duty is to make a short minute of …

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abis v [A; ab7] slice with a curved blade, cut a small or thin part from a bigger piece. Abisig …

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áblang - (B) Width, breadth, to widen, broaden, to make wide or wider. Sádto ánay makitíd ang dálan, karón nagáblang …

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To make able; to enable; to strengthen.

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abolish ENGLISH

To do away with wholly; to annul; to make void; -- said of laws, customs, institutions, governments, etc.; as, to …

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aboy-aboy HILIGAYNON

abóy-abóy - (B) Dim. of abóy: Also A primitive cradle or hammock made of a blanket, an old skirt or …

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abraum salts ENGLISH

A red ocher used to darken mahogany and for making chloride of potassium.

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abridge ENGLISH

To make shorter; to shorten in duration; to lessen; to diminish; to curtail; as, to abridge labor; to abridge power …

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abridgment ENGLISH

That which abridges or cuts short; hence, an entertainment that makes the time pass quickly.

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abrigu CEBUANO

abrígu n shawl. v [A1; a] wear, make, receive a shawl.

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Abril n April. v [a] {1} do s.t. in April. Magbakasyun mu sa Hunyu? Ah, Abrila lang, Will you take …

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absinthium ENGLISH

The common wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), an intensely bitter plant, used as a tonic and for making the oil of wormwood.

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