"Dullhead" is a word in ENGLISH

dullhead ENGLISH

A blockhead; a dolt.

Few words of positivity

lthough the basic principles of economics are not very complicated, the very ease with which they can be learned also makes them easy to dismissed as "simplistic" by those who do not want to accept analyses which contradict their cherished beliefs. Evasions of the obvious are often far more complicated than the facts. Nor is it automatically true that complex effects must have complex causes. The ramifications of something very simple can become enormously complex.

Thomas Sowell

Laugh your heart out.

Regardless of what you may hear, there's still many women these dayswho are excellent "housekeepers". Seems each time they get a divorce,they keep the house.


animál - (Sp. animal) Animal, beast, brute; dunce, blockhead, a brutal fellow. (cf. sápat, háyup).

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beetlehead ENGLISH

A stupid fellow; a blockhead.

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A blockhead; a stupid fellow; a dolt.

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blockhead ENGLISH

A stupid fellow; a dolt; a person deficient in understanding.

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blockheadism ENGLISH

That which characterizes a blockhead; stupidity.

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búngkoy - Large-headed, thick-headed, chuckle-headed, with a swollen or big head out of proportion to the size of the body; …

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buzzard ENGLISH

A blockhead; a dunce.

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cittern-head ENGLISH

Blockhead; dunce; -- so called because the handle of a cittern usually ended with a carved head.

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clodpate ENGLISH

A blockhead; a dolt.

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A blockhead; a lout.

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dizzard ENGLISH

A blockhead. [Obs.] [Written also dizard, and disard.]

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dodipoll ENGLISH

A stupid person; a fool; a blockhead.

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A heavy, stupid fellow; a blockhead; a numskull; an ignoramus; a dunce; a dullard.

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dunderhead ENGLISH

A dunce; a numskull; a blockhead.

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A blockhead; a dolt; a fool.

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growthead ENGLISH

A lazy person; a blockhead.

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half-wit ENGLISH

A foolish; a dolt; a blockhead; a dunce.

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jackass ENGLISH

A conceited dolt; a perverse blockhead.

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