"Blockheadism" is a word in ENGLISH

blockheadism ENGLISH

That which characterizes a blockhead; stupidity.

Few words of positivity

Who ought to be the king of france-the person who has the title, or the man who has the power?

Pepin the Short

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What is the definition of "moon"? The past tense of "moo"!

aberrational ENGLISH

Characterized by aberration.

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abirritative ENGLISH

Characterized by abirritation or debility.

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abstentious ENGLISH

Characterized by abstinence; self-restraining.

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accentual ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to accent; characterized or formed by accent.

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accrete ENGLISH

Characterized by accretion; made up; as, accrete matter.

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accumulative ENGLISH

Characterized by accumulation; serving to collect or amass; cumulative; additional.

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One of a class of compounds, generally but not always distinguished by their sour taste, solubility in water, and reddening …

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acrocephalic ENGLISH

Characterized by a high skull.

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acrostical ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or characterized by, acrostics.

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acuminous ENGLISH

Characterized by acumen; keen.

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adaptive ENGLISH

Suited, given, or tending, to adaptation; characterized by adaptation; capable of adapting.

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adulterous ENGLISH

Characterized by adulteration; spurious.

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adynamic ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or characterized by, debility of the vital powers; weak.

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adynamic ENGLISH

Characterized by the absence of power or force.

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affair ENGLISH

Any proceeding or action which it is wished to refer to or characterize vaguely; as, an affair of honor, i. …

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after-witted ENGLISH

Characterized by after-wit; slow-witted.

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agenesic ENGLISH

Characterized by sterility; infecund.

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agglutinative ENGLISH

Formed or characterized by agglutination, as a language or a compound.

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aggressive ENGLISH

Tending or disposed to aggress; characterized by aggression; making assaults; unjustly attacking; as, an aggressive policy, war, person, nation.

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agraphic ENGLISH

Characterized by agraphia.

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