"Duchesse D'Angouleme" is a word in ENGLISH

duchesse d'angouleme ENGLISH

A variety of pear of large size and excellent

Few words of positivity

There is one thing you need to do to people who hate you for the way you are and what you do. What's that? The thing you do best. And that would be? Give them hell,and fight back,not violently,but give them reason to not like you.

Advice my friend gave me

Laugh your heart out.

Who went into a witche's den and came out alive ?The witch !


abut () a variety of grain that gives a big yield or k. o. soil that yields well. Ábut kaáyu …

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actinolite ENGLISH

A bright green variety of amphibole occurring usually in fibrous or columnar masses.

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activity ENGLISH

The state or quality of being active; nimbleness; agility; vigorous action or operation; energy; active force; as, an increasing variety …

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adularia ENGLISH

A transparent or translucent variety of common feldspar, or orthoclase, which often shows pearly opalescent reflections; -- called by lapidaries …

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agalmatolite ENGLISH

A soft, compact stone, of a grayish, greenish, or yellowish color, carved into images by the Chinese, and hence called …

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A semipellucid, uncrystallized variety of quartz, presenting various tints in the same specimen. Its colors are delicately arranged in stripes …

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alabaster ENGLISH

A hard, compact variety of carbonate of lime, somewhat translucent, or of banded shades of color; stalagmite. The name is …

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alabaster ENGLISH

A compact variety or sulphate of lime, or gypsum, of fine texture, and usually white and translucent, but sometimes yellow, …

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alcaic ENGLISH

A kind of verse, so called from Alcaeus. One variety consists of five feet, a spondee or iambic, an iambic, …

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alimbahon HILIGAYNON

alimbáhon - A variety of coconut. See limbáhon, libáhon.

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alimukeng ILOKANO

n. a variety of thin-skinned, small, greenish banana.

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allomorph ENGLISH

A variety of pseudomorph which has undergone partial or complete change or substitution of material; -- thus limonite is frequently …

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almandine ENGLISH

The common red variety of garnet.

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alpaca ENGLISH

An animal of Peru (Lama paco), having long, fine, wooly hair, supposed by some to be a domesticated variety of …

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alugbati CEBUANO

alugbáti n k. o. vine, the leaves of which are widely used as a vegetable. Wild and cultivated, it has …

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alum shale ENGLISH

A variety of shale or clay slate, containing iron pyrites, the decomposition of which leads to the formation of alum, …

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amazon stone ENGLISH

A variety of feldspar, having a verdigris-green color.

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amelcorn ENGLISH

A variety of wheat from which starch is produced; -- called also French rice.

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amethyst ENGLISH

A variety of crystallized quartz, of a purple or bluish violet color, of different shades. It is much used as …

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amianthus ENGLISH

Earth flax, or mountain flax; a soft silky variety of asbestus.

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