"Domineer" is a word in ENGLISH

domineer ENGLISH

To rule with insolence or arbitrary sway; to play the
master; to be overbearing; to tyrannize; to bluster; to swell with
conscious superiority or haughtiness; -- often with over; as, to
domineer over dependents.

Few words of positivity

The world forgets easily, too easily, what it does not like to remember.

Jacob A. Riis

Laugh your heart out.

What happened at the cannibal's wedding party? They toasted the bride and groom.

abnormal ENGLISH

Not conformed to rule or system; deviating from the type; anomalous; irregular.

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To’ annul, repeal, or de-stroy; to annul or repeal an order or rule 1S-srued by a subordinate authority; to repeal …

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Unconditional; complete and perfect ln itself, wlthout relation to, or dependence on, other things or persons,—as an absolute right; without …

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An agreement between two persons, one of whom has a right of action against the other, that the latter should …

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accuracy ENGLISH

The state of being accurate; freedom from mistakes, this exemption arising from carefulness; exact conformity to truth, or to a …

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Adjecttve Law LAW AND LEGAL

The aggregate of rules of procedure or practlce. As opposed to that body of law which the courts are es-tablished …

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ákon - My, mine; by or through me; sa ákon—me; to, on, upon, from, away from, towards, in, at, into …

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alagaden ILOKANO

n. rule, regulation. Dagitoy ti alagaden ti nasayaat nga umili. These are the rules of good townspeople. ALAHAS [f. Sp.], …

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alipatpat HILIGAYNON

alipátpat - To drop asleep, to fall asleep unintentionally, to fall into a reverie when in company, to lose by …

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alligation ENGLISH

A rule relating to the solution of questions concerning the compounding or mixing of different ingredients, or ingredients of different …

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analogy ENGLISH

Conformity of words to the genius, structure, or general rules of a language; similarity of origin, inflection, or principle of …

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anarchical ENGLISH

Pertaining to anarchy; without rule or government; in political confusion; tending to produce anarchy; as, anarchic despotism; anarchical opinions.

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To make void or of no effect; to nullify; to abolish; to do away with; -- used appropriately of laws, …

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anomalism ENGLISH

An anomaly; a deviation from rule.

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anomalistical ENGLISH

Irregular; departing from common or established rules.

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anomalous ENGLISH

Deviating from a general rule, method, or analogy; abnormal; irregular; as, an anomalous proceeding.

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Irregular; exceptional; unusual; uot conforming to rule, method, or type

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anomaly ENGLISH

Deviation from the common rule; an irregularity; anything anomalous.

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anormal ENGLISH

Not according to rule; abnormal.

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anteposition ENGLISH

The placing of a before another, which, by ordinary rules, ought to follow it.

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