"Deperditely" is a word in ENGLISH

deperditely ENGLISH

Hopelessly; despairingly; in the manner of one
ruined; as, deperditely wicked.

Few words of positivity

The difference between lonely and lovely is only of one single alphabet. That single alphabet is called Friends.

Sarvesh Jain

Laugh your heart out.

Why do Apes love to go to school in bad neighbourhoods?They like any jungle - even a blackboard jungle!

despair ENGLISH

To be hopeless; to have no hope; to give up all hope or expectation; -- often with of.

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despair ENGLISH

Loss of hope; utter hopelessness; complete despondency.

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despairing ENGLISH

Feeling or expressing despair; hopeless.

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desperate ENGLISH

Without hope; given to despair; hopeless.

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desperation ENGLISH

A state of despair, or utter hopeless; abandonment of hope; extreme recklessness; reckless fury.

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hopeless ENGLISH

Unhoped for; despaired of.

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hopeless ENGLISH

Destitute of hope; having no expectation of good; despairing.

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