"Dementate" is a word in ENGLISH

dementate ENGLISH

Deprived of reason.

dementate ENGLISH

To deprive of reason; to dement.

Few words of positivity

Humility is not weakness but a quality of strength.

Paul Gitwaza

Laugh your heart out.

A man wanted an Easter pet for his daughter. He looked at a baby chick and a baby duck. They were both very cute, but he decided to buy the baby chick. Do you know why? The baby chick was a little cheeper!

dement ENGLISH

To deprive of reason; to make mad.

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dementation ENGLISH

The act of depriving of reason; madness.

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writ of right, of reasonable part A writ which lay between privies in blood, as between brothers in gavelkind, or …

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Disqualify LAW AND LEGAL

To divest or deprive of qualifications; to incapacitate; to render ineligible or unfit; as, in speaking of the “disqualification” of …

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Nationalizagion LAW AND LEGAL

In Spanish and Mexican* law. Nationalization. “The na-tlonalization of property is an act which de-notes that it has become that …

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To deprive of the distinctive qualities of a human being, as reason, or the like.

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walâ - No, not, none, no one, not any, nothing; there is not, does not exist, there has not been …

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