"Defail" is a word in ENGLISH

defail ENGLISH

To cause to fail.

Few words of positivity

What allows us as human beings to psychologically survive life on earth with all of its pain drama and challenges is a sense of purpose and meaning.

Barbara De Angelis

Laugh your heart out.

An 8th grade boy was doing some research for his career report at school. He asks his dad, "Father, how many wildlife biologists work for the Federal Government?""The honest father replies, "Oh, I would say at least half of 'em."

abalienate ENGLISH

To cause alienation of (mind).

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The removal, prostration, or destruction of that which causes a nuisance, whether by breaking or pulling it down, or otherwise …

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abdicative ENGLISH

Causing, or implying, abdication.

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abominable ENGLISH

Worthy of, or causing, abhorrence, as a thing of evil omen; odious in the utmost degree; very hateful; detestable; loathsome; …

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abomination ENGLISH

A cause of pollution or wickedness.

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abortifacient ENGLISH

A drug or an agent that causes premature delivery.

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abortive ENGLISH

Causing abortion; as, abortive medicines.

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abortive ENGLISH

A medicine to which is attributed the property of causing abortion.

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In practice. Higher; superior. The court to which a cause is removed by appeal or wrlt of error is called …

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absorb ENGLISH

To swallow up; to engulf; to overwhelm; to cause to disappear as if by swallowing up; to use up; to …

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Absque Tali Causa LAW AND LEGAL

(Lat without such cause.) Formal words in the now obsolete replication de injuria. Steph. Pl. 191

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acarina ENGLISH

The group of Arachnida which includes the mites and ticks. Many species are parasitic, and cause diseases like the itch …

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acarine ENGLISH

Of or caused by acari or mites; as, acarine diseases.

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accelerate ENGLISH

To cause to move faster; to quicken the motion of; to add to the speed of; -- opposed to retard.

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An unforeseen event, oc-curriog without the will or design of the person whose mere act causes lt; an unex-pected, unusual, …

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account ENGLISH

A statement in general of reasons, causes, grounds, etc., explanatory of some event; as, no satisfactory account has been given …

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account ENGLISH

To give a satisfactory reason; to tell the cause of; to explain; -- with for; as, idleness accounts for poverty.

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Inchoate; ln process of maturing. That which will or may, at a future time, ripen Into a vested right, an …

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(Lat And also.) words used to introduce the statement of the real cause of action, in those cases where it …

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acetous ENGLISH

Causing, or connected with, acetification; as, acetous fermentation.

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