"Dawin" is a word in HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO


dawín - A small basket used in gathering
various fruits as kadiós, maní, maize,
mangoes, etc.


dawin n a single banana.
Mikúhà siyag lima ka dawin nga tinanuk, He took five boiled bananas.
v [A; a1] separate ba-nanas into pieces.
-in-n bananas sold by the piece.

Few words of positivity

One's desire to be alone, biologists have found, is partially genetic and to some degree measurable. If you have low levels of the pituitary peptide oxytocin--sometimes called the master chemical of sociability-- and high quantities of the hormone vasopressin, which may suppress your need for affection, you tend to require fewer interpersonal relationships.

Michael Finkel, The Stranger in the Woods: The Extraordinary Story of the Last True Hermit

Laugh your heart out.

Examiner: I think you know very little, if anything at all, about the Bible. Can you quote any passage? Student: 'Judas departed and went and hanged himself.' Examiner: Well, that's a surprise. Can you quote another? Student: 'Go thou and do likewise.'


abóyon - (B) Abóyon without prefix is not in use; paabóyon is employed in the sense of: To accede to …

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ád-ad - To reject food, slobber, slubber, drivel, slaver, let food slowly flow from the mouth (as babies often do). …

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ad-ad v [A; a] slice into thin, but not long pieces. Ang baláni ad-árun únà iláwug sa bábuy, The banana …

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agus-us CEBUANO

agus-us n {1} delicacy made of cornstarch mixed with sugar, water, and sometimes other ingredients made into cylindrical rolls with …

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agutay CEBUANO

agútay n k. o. wild banana, producing 2 long seedy fruit with a yellowish peel and sweet orange meat when …

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aguting CEBUANO

aguting n {1} k. o. tobacco blight which makes the leaves turn whitish and curl up when they are dried. …

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ahát - To do something prematurely, before the regular or proper time or even against one’s inclination. Ahatá lang ang …

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áka - To sell well, be much in demand, be much sought after. Nagáka karón sa Ilongílong ang páhò, ságing, …

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alep-ep ILOKANO

n. plaster, bandage; poultice, anodyne; also, a piece of banana leaf placed over a pot of rice under the cover …

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alimukeng ILOKANO

n. a variety of thin-skinned, small, greenish banana.

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alinsóso - The tender central part or core of the edible marrow of the coconut—and buri-palm (úbud) as well as …

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alitundan CEBUANO

alitundan n k. o. banana with light yellow skin, which grows to six inches. One of the most important commercial …

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alkuhiris CEBUANO

alkuhíris n mosaic disease that a? ects abaca and bananas. v [a4] get mosaic disease.

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alopí - A rice-cake made of rice-flour mixed with sugar and coconut-meat, wrapped up in banana-leaves and boiled. (cf. bagódbod).

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alupasi ILOKANO

n. dry sheath of the banana leaf. --syn. see UBBAK.

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amamákol - A kind of edible mushroom, often found in banana groves.

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ámò - (B) To be—, get—, procure—, share in—, the same kind of a thing. Amóon ko iníng mga ságing, …

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amóma - A present or gift of food and drink, hospitable entertainment, a treat; to entertain, regale, treat, give food …

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amù n monkey, ape. Pubri pa sa amù, Poorer than a monkey (which has what looks like two one-centavo coins …

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amuradu CEBUANO

amurádu n k. o. red, thick, sweet banana, eaten raw. It is starchier than the yellow bananas usually sold commercially …

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