"Dalahira" is a word in TAGALOG

dalahira TAGALOG

Definition: 1) gossipy (adj., applied to women) 2) provocative, free and easy (adj)
Definition: 1) (syn) satsat, daldal, daldalera, tsismosa 2) (syn) landi

Few words of positivity

A book is as dangerous as any journey you might take. The person who closes the back cover may not be the same one that opened the front one. Treat them with respect.

Mark Lawrence, Red Sister

Laugh your heart out.

Janet came home from school and asked her mother if the aerosol spray in the kitchen was hair lacquer. "No," said Mom. "It's glue." "I thought so," said Janet. "I wondered why I couldn't get my hat off today."


a! Definition: (intj.) an exclamation of sudden recollection 2 Definition: Notes: Examples: A! Naalala ko na! (A! Now I remember!)

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abala2 Active Verb: umabala Passive Verb: abalahin Definition: 1) delay, detention, disturbance (noun) 2) to trouble oneself over something or …

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abala1 Active Verb: mag-abala Definition: 1) delay, detention, disturbance (noun) 2) to trouble oneself over something or somebody -- mag-abala …

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abaloryo TAGALOG

abaloryo Definition: (noun) glass beads; bead work 2 Definition: Notes: Examples:

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abaniko TAGALOG

abaniko Active Verb: mag-abaniko Definition: (noun) folding fan (active verb) to fan oneself 2 Definition: (synonym) pamaypay Notes: Examples: 1. …

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abante TAGALOG

abante Active Verb: umabante Passive Verb: iabante Definition: 1) to move forward (active verb) 2) to move something forward (passive …

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abay Active Verb: umabay Passive Verb: abayan Definition: 1) companion, best man, bridesmaid (noun) 2) to escort, act as best …

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abiso Active Verb: mag-abiso Passive Verb: abisuhan Definition: 1) notice, notification (noun) 2) to announce; to inform, to notify (active …

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abitsuwela TAGALOG

abitsuwela Definition: (noun) snap bean 2 Definition: (var.) bitsuelas

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abo Definition: 1) ashes (noun) 2) grey (adj)

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abogada TAGALOG

abogada Definition: (noun) female lawyer, attorney-at-law 2 Definition: Notes: Examples:

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abrelata TAGALOG

abrelata Definition: (noun) can opener 2 Definition: (syn) pambukas

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abrigo TAGALOG

abrigo Definition: (noun) wrap, lady's coat 2 Definition: Notes: Examples:

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abuloy TAGALOG

abuloy1 Active Verb: mag-abuloy Passive Verb: abuluyan Definition: 1) contribution, help-fund, relief, aid, subsidy (noun) 2) to contribute, to aid …

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abuloy TAGALOG

abuloy2 Active Verb: umabuloy Passive Verb: iabuloy Definition: 1) contribution, help-fund, relief, aid, subsidy (noun) 2) to contribute, to aid …

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adidas TAGALOG

adidas Definition: (n) Tagalog slang for chicken feet 2 Definition: (pangalan/salitang balbal) paa ng manok

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agahan TAGALOG

agahan Definition: (noun) breakfast 2 Definition: (syn) almusal

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agap Active Verb: umagap Passive Verb: agapan Definition: 1) promptness, quickness (noun) 2) prompt, punctual, quick (adj) 3) to anticipate, …

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agaw2 Active Verb: umagaw Passive Verb: agawin Definition: 1) sudden snatching away (noun) 2) to snatch, to grab (verb) 3) …

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agaw1 Active Verb: mang-agaw Passive Verb: agawan Definition: 1) sudden snatching away (noun) 2) to snatch, to grab (verb) 3) …

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