"Curvirostral" is a word in ENGLISH

curvirostral ENGLISH

Having a crooked beak, as the crossbill.

Few words of positivity

There's something very peaceful about being in love. It can make you light as a feather; so blissfully unaware of anything else of importance. It can make you feel anger, rage, jealousy and lust all in one sentence. But the most important thing that love can give a person is certainty. Certainty that love, real love, will always pull you through your darkest days.

Shelly Pratt, Sanctuary of Mine

Laugh your heart out.

Two political candidates were having a hot debate. Finally, one of them jumped up and yelled at the other, "What about the powerful interest that controls you?"And the other guy screamed back, "You leave my wife out of this!"

akimbo ENGLISH

With a crook or bend; with the hand on the hip and elbow turned outward.

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alud-ud CEBUANO

alud-ud n {1} s.t. which has the chewing quality of soft bones: the tender part of a stem, the husk …

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ambihas CEBUANO

ambihas, ambíhas a two things parallel or face to face but one slightly behind or to the side. Ambíhas ang …

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antiguggler ENGLISH

A crooked tube of metal, to be introduced into the neck of a bottle for drawing out the liquid without …

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áyum v [APB3(1); a12] {1} for a wound to be healed or cured. Dalì rang miáyum (naáyum) ang samad, It …

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bagís - A shark; a greedy, artful fellow, a sharper, shark, cheat, crook. (cf. kúgtong).

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English: rugged; crooked Tagalog: bakubako

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baliko WARAY

Baliko - crooked

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baliku CEBUANO

balikù a {1} crooked, not straight. {2} crooked, dishonest. Ba-likung pulitiku, Crooked politician. v [AB; a12] be, make s.t. crooked. …

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balit-ad CEBUANO

balit-ad a inside out, belly-side up, front-side back. Balit-ad pagkasul-ub ang ímung kamisin, You have your undershirt on backwards (or …

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baliyug CEBUANO

baliyug a crooked, not straight. v [B1; a2] be, become crooked, not straight. Nagkabaliyug na ang punúan sa lubi samtang …

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baluktot TAGALOG

baluktot Active Verb: bumaluktot Passive Verb: baluktutin Definition: (adj) crooked, curved, bent

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Bent; crooked; curved laterally, esp. with the convex side outward; as, a bandy leg.

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bandy-legged ENGLISH

Having crooked legs.

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bángkong - Curved, bent, crooked, said especially of a carrier’s pole; to be or make curved, to curve, bend. Hilókhilóka …

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barôrô - Bent, crooked, twisted, huddled up; to bend, curve, wriggle, writhe, wince, squirm, huddle up, cringe, crouch, fall down …

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bastarda CEBUANO

bastarda v {1} [B; c1] set, be placed across s.t. diagonally. Nagbastarda ang hubug sa dálan, The drunk was lying …

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bátà n {1} child. {2} son or daughter. {3} mistress, concu-bine. {4} bodyguard, protege of s. o. of high rank. …

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A turn or deflection from a straight line or from the proper direction or normal position; a curve; a crook; …

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