"Culpon" is a word in ENGLISH

culpon ENGLISH

A shred; a fragment; a strip of wood.

Few words of positivity

We shouldn’t use God for our purpose alone but also be instruments of the extension of His Kingdom

Sunday Adelaja

Laugh your heart out.

Why is King Kong big and hairy? So you can tell him apart from a gooseberry.

abrasion ENGLISH

A superficial excoriation, with loss of substance under the form of small shreds.

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amatung CEBUANO

amátung n method of catching crabs by using shredded coconut as bait. v [A; a] catch land crabs by strewing …

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atsal n {1} pickles made of shredded green papaya and vari-ous other vegetables cut in slivers. {2} name given to …

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bagnid CEBUANO

bagnid v [A; c1] shred papaya, cassava, and things of similar con-sistency. Bagníra (ibagnid) na ang kapáyas kay átung kiláwun, …

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bándi - A kind of candy (sweet) made of unrefined sugar and shreds of coconut meat or peanuts. Also called …

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banggud CEBUANO

banggud v [A; a] rub s.t. with pressure against s.t. else causing it to get chafed, shredded, grated. Akuy mubanggud …

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banggus CEBUANO

banggus v {1} [A; c1] rub s.t. against a rough surface, but not with great pressure. Magbanggus ku sa kapáyas …

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bitsubitsu CEBUANO

bitsubitsu n delicacy consisting of shredded sweet potatoes, fried and sugared. v [A; a] make bitsubitsu.

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budlung CEBUANO

budlung n sweet made of cornstarch (tik tik), brown sugar, shredded coconut meat, wrapped in banana leaves to form a …

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bukarilyu CEBUANO

bukarilyu n k. o. sweet made from young shredded coconut meat, sugar, and flavoring boiled with a syrup and hardened. …

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bukáyò - Coconut candy, cake of unrefined sugar mixed with shreds of coconut meat. (cf. bándi).

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bukhayu CEBUANO

bukháyù n candy made from shredded coconut cooked with brown sugar. v [A; a2] make, make into coconut candy.

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búru n mangga salted green, sliced or shredded mangoes.

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A loose end; a dangling shred.

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dugtà a worn out to shreds, rotten and badly decomposed, com-pletely decayed. Dugtang banig, A mat worn to shreds. Dug-tang …

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dúmug n dish made of ripe cooking bananas boiled in banana leaves with sugar and shredded coconut. v [A; c1] …

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embolus ENGLISH

A plug of some substance lodged in a blood vessel, being brought thither by the blood current. It consists most …

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excelsior ENGLISH

A kind of stuffing for upholstered furniture, mattresses, etc., in which curled shreds of wood are substituted for curled hair.

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To rub; to wear off, or wear into shreds, by rubbing; to fret, as cloth; as, a deer is said …

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fritter ENGLISH

A fragment; a shred; a small piece.

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