"Crayoning" is a word in ENGLISH

crayoning ENGLISH

of Crayon

Few words of positivity

The green sea swept into the shallows and seethed there like slaking quicklime. It surged over the rocks, tossing up spangles of water like a juggler and catching them deftly again behind. It raced knee-deep through the clefts and crevices, twisted and tortured in a thousand ways, till it swept nuzzling and sucking into the holes at the base of the cliff. The whole reef was a shambles of foam, but it was bright in the sun, bright as a shattered mirror, exuberant and leaping with light.

Colin Thiele

Laugh your heart out.

Where do you find a down-and-out octopus ? On squid row !

blackboard ENGLISH

A broad board painted black, or any black surface on which writing, drawing, or the working of mathematical problems can …

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Finely prepared chalk, used as a drawing implement; also, by extension, a compound, as of clay and black lead, or …

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crayon ENGLISH

To sketch, as with a crayon; to sketch or plan.

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crayon ENGLISH

A crayon drawing.

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crayon ENGLISH

An implement for drawing, made of clay and plumbago, or of some preparation of chalk, usually sold in small prisms …

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crayon ENGLISH

A pencil of carbon used in producing electric light.

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kostabulario ILOKANO

var. of KONSTABULARIO. KOSTUMBRE [kostumbrε; f. Sp.], n. custom, habit. KOTA [f. Sp.], n. fort, rampart, fortress. KOTSE [kotsε; f. …

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krayola TAGALOG

krayola Definition: (noun) crayons

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krayula CEBUANO

krayula, krayúla n crayons. v [A; b] draw, color with crayons.

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kudlis CEBUANO

kudlis v [A; b] make a scratch or a mark on a surface. Kinsay mukudlis sa ímung hubag? Who will …

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pastél - (Sp. pastel) Pie, cake, pastry; pastel, coloured crayon.

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pastel ENGLISH

A crayon made of a paste composed of a color ground with gum water.

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pastille ENGLISH

See Pastel, a crayon.

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portcrayon ENGLISH

A metallic handle with a clasp for holding a crayon.

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sanguine ENGLISH

Red crayon. See the Note under Crayon, 1.

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A soft crayon for use in stump drawing or in shading with the stump.

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scumble ENGLISH

To cover lighty, as a painting, or a drawing, with a thin wash of opaque color, or with color-crayon dust …

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scumbling ENGLISH

In crayon drawing, the use of the stump.

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A short, thick roll of leather or paper, cut to a point, or any similar implement, used to rub down …

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