"Crayoned" is a word in ENGLISH

crayoned ENGLISH

of Crayon

Few words of positivity

Behind us, the man laughed. "Looks like we aren't the only ones looking for a little diversion. There's an empty office right over there, guys." Marsten raised his hand in thanks. The couple moved on. I let the kiss continue for five more seconds, then pulled away. "They're gone," I said. Marsten frowned, as if surprised-and disappointed-that I'd noticed. I tugged my hair from his hands. "Okay, coast clear," I said. "Let's go." He let out a small laugh. "I see I need to brush up on my kissing." "No, you have that down pat." "She says with all the excitement of a teacher grading a math quiz..." "A-plus. Now let's move. Before someone else comes along.

Kelley Armstrong, Chaotic

Laugh your heart out.

How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges?

blackboard ENGLISH

A broad board painted black, or any black surface on which writing, drawing, or the working of mathematical problems can …

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Finely prepared chalk, used as a drawing implement; also, by extension, a compound, as of clay and black lead, or …

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crayon ENGLISH

To sketch, as with a crayon; to sketch or plan.

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crayon ENGLISH

A crayon drawing.

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crayon ENGLISH

An implement for drawing, made of clay and plumbago, or of some preparation of chalk, usually sold in small prisms …

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crayon ENGLISH

A pencil of carbon used in producing electric light.

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kostabulario ILOKANO

var. of KONSTABULARIO. KOSTUMBRE [kostumbrε; f. Sp.], n. custom, habit. KOTA [f. Sp.], n. fort, rampart, fortress. KOTSE [kotsε; f. …

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krayola TAGALOG

krayola Definition: (noun) crayons

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krayula CEBUANO

krayula, krayúla n crayons. v [A; b] draw, color with crayons.

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kudlis CEBUANO

kudlis v [A; b] make a scratch or a mark on a surface. Kinsay mukudlis sa ímung hubag? Who will …

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pastél - (Sp. pastel) Pie, cake, pastry; pastel, coloured crayon.

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pastel ENGLISH

A crayon made of a paste composed of a color ground with gum water.

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pastille ENGLISH

See Pastel, a crayon.

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portcrayon ENGLISH

A metallic handle with a clasp for holding a crayon.

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sanguine ENGLISH

Red crayon. See the Note under Crayon, 1.

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A soft crayon for use in stump drawing or in shading with the stump.

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scumble ENGLISH

To cover lighty, as a painting, or a drawing, with a thin wash of opaque color, or with color-crayon dust …

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scumbling ENGLISH

In crayon drawing, the use of the stump.

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A short, thick roll of leather or paper, cut to a point, or any similar implement, used to rub down …

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