"Crashing" is a word in ENGLISH

crashing ENGLISH

The noise of many things falling and breaking at once.

crashing ENGLISH

of Crash

Few words of positivity

There's so much more that I want to do. Of course it's great what has happened so far: Ultra, Coachella, EDC. But still, production-wise and show-wise, I'd love to play a show at Madison Square Garden. Stuff like that is beyond my imagination.

Martin Garrix

Laugh your heart out.

Girl: Did you like that cake, Mrs Jones? Mrs Jones: Yes, very much. Girl: That's funny. My mom said you didn't have any taste.

abukay CEBUANO

abúkay n k. o. white cockatoo, often kept as pet: Cacatua haematuropygia. (), abúkay v [A] for babies to make …

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agmud n grunting, snorting noises. v [AN; c1] grunt, snort. Ígù lang siyang miagmud (nangagmud) sa ákung pagpananghid, He just …

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alingagngag CEBUANO

alingagngag n upper part of throat and back part of oral cavity, including the soft palate. -an() n the general …

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alingása - Noise, hubbub, clamour, disturbance; disturbing, trying or tiringly noisy, even if not very loud; to be or get …

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alingisi CEBUANO

alingísi a making a piercing, screeching noise. Alingísi siyag tíngug, She has a piercing voice. v [B; a2] be noisy. …

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alingisngis CEBUANO

alingisngis a making very high-pitched and drawn out piercing noise. Ayaw ug ikágis ang ímung kuku sa pisára kay alingis-ngis, …

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alingugngug CEBUANO

alingugngug a noisy in a constant drumming way. Alingugngug kaáyu ang tíngug sa tambul, The drum made an annoying sound. …

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alintabu CEBUANO

alintabu v [B; c1] turn over, producing a loud turmoil. Nagkaal-intabu ang mga balud, The waves churned more and more …

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aliwarus CEBUANO

aliwárus a nuisance, annoyance caused by noise and motion. Ang daghang pidikab mauy nakaaliwárus (nakapaaliwárus) sa karsáda, The large number …

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With a loud voice, or great noise; loudly; audibly.

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anabaab ILOKANO

n. the sound or echo of speech that is not heard distinctly. Matmaturog da ngata ta awan ti anabaab da. …

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v. /MANG-:-EN/ to stop from making noise or from quarreling; to make quiet, to silence. Anawaem man dagidiay ubbing ta …

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antiguggler ENGLISH

A crooked tube of metal, to be introduced into the neck of a bottle for drawing out the liquid without …

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árak - A sound or noise as of many, pattering, clattering, bickering, a medley of voices or sounds; to sound, …

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arang {1} possible and fitting. Arang himúung upisína kining baláya, This is a good house to make into an o? …

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arimekmek ILOKANO

n. noise, sound. v. /AG-/ to make a noise or sound, to be noisy. --syn.

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babaw n place up s.w. hiN-haN-(), hiN-haN- v [B5] get to be almost full. Muhimábaw (muhimabaw) na gánì ang baldi, …

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babble ENGLISH

To make a continuous murmuring noise, as shallow water running over stones.

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Hence: A place or scene of noise and confusion; a confused mixture of sounds, as of voices or languages.

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bagting CEBUANO

bagting n ringing noise. Ang bagting sa rilu nakapúkaw nákù, I was awakened by the alarm clock. dì kadungug, kabatì …

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