"Court Christian" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

Court Christian LAW AND LEGAL

The ecclesiastical courts in England are often so called, as distinguished from the civil courts. 1 Bl. Comm. 83; 3 Bl. Comm. 64; 8 Stepb. Comm. 430

Few words of positivity

Destiny never gives you chances, but in life you get many chances to change your destiny.

Pratik Akkawar

Laugh your heart out.

A fire broke out in a six story apartment building last week in a near by town. A blonde, a redhead, and a brunette escaped the flames by climbing up onto the roof.When the fire department arrived they got out a blanket held it up and the Chief called out to the brunette to jump into the blanket.The brunette jumped. As she was falling 'swoosh' the firefighters pulled the blanket away and she landed on the street like a brick.The firefighters then held the blanket back up and the Chief told the redhead to jump."No way! I saw what you did to my friend." exclaimed the redhead."I am sorry" said the Chief, "My wife was a brunette and she divorced me. I just don't like brunettes. We have no problems with redheads....jump it's your only chance."So the redhead jumped. On the way down 'swoosh' the firefighters pulled the blanket away and she hit the pavement like a tomato!"The firefighters a gain held up the blanket and the Chief told the blonde to jump. The fire was getting worse and her only chance of survival was to jump."No I am not jumping. I saw what you did to my two friends.""I'm sorry" said the Chief, "I explained what happened to the brunette and when the redhead jumped we were a little distracted. It will not happen again, just jump!"The blonde thought for a moment. "OK I'll jump - but first I want you to lay the blanket on the ground, back away, and then I'll jump into it."


In Engllsh practice. A proceedlng formerly made use of, by way of petitlon In court, praying in ald of the …

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In praotioe. The cor-rection of an error committed in any pro-cess, pleading, or proceeding at law. or in eq-uity, and …

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Aocedas Ad Curiam LAW AND LEGAL

An original writ out of chancery, directed to the sheriff, for the removal of a replevin suit from a hundred …

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Barmote Courts LAW AND LEGAL

Courts held ln certain mining districts belongiug to the Duchy of Lancaster, for regulation of the mines, and for deciding …

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Boni Homines LAW AND LEGAL

In old European law. Good men; a name given in early European jurisprudence to the tenants of the lord, who …

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Breast Of The Court LAW AND LEGAL

A metaphorical expression, signifying the con-science, discretion, or recollection of the judge. During the term of a court, the rec-ord …

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d. 287.—Aot of parliament. A statute, law, or edict, made by the British sovereign, with the advice and consent of …

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To find or adjudge guilty. 3 Leon. 68. To adjudge or sentence. 8 Bl. Comm. 291. To adjudge (as an …

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A species of estate at will, or customary estate in England, the only vis-ible title to whlch consists of the …

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1. In practice. An advo-cate, counsellor, or pleader. 3 Bl. Comm. 26; 1 Kent, Comm. 307. one who assists his …

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L. Fr. Count, or reckon. In old practice. A direction formerly given by the clerk of a court to the …

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Court Of Archdeacon LAW AND LEGAL

The most Inferior of the English ecclesiastical courts, from which an appeal generally lies to that of the bishop. 3 …

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The name of a former English court of ap-peal, intermediate between the superior courts of common law and the house …

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A court formerly held in Wales; abollshed by 11 Geo. IV. and 1 wm. IV. c. 70. and the welsh …

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In English law. An ecclesiastical court of formidable jurisdiction, for the vindication of the peace and dignity of the church, …

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Court Of Honor LAW AND LEGAL

A court having Ju-risdiction to hear and redress injuries or affronts to a man’s honor or personal dignity, of a …

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Court Of Hustings LAW AND LEGAL

In English law. The county court of London, held be-fore the mayor, recorder, and sheriff, but of which the recorder …

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This court had jurisdiction of personal actions arising within twelve miles ot the palace at whitehall. Abolished by 12 & …

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Court Of Peculiars LAW AND LEGAL

A spiritual court in England, belng a branch of, and annexed to, the Court of Arches. It has a jurisdiction …

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Court Of Piepoudre LAW AND LEGAL

The low-est (and most expeditious) of the courts of justice known to the older law of England. It Is supposed …

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