"Conventionist" is a word in ENGLISH

conventionist ENGLISH

One who enters into a convention, covenant, or

Few words of positivity

Know that the same spark of life that is within you, is within all of our animal friends, the desire to live is the same within all of us...

Rai Aren, Secret of the Sands

Laugh your heart out.

What does Paul Inces mum make for Christmas?Ince pies!

Abatement Of Freehold LAW AND LEGAL

This takes place where a person dies seised of an inheritance, and, before the heir or devisee enters, a stranger, …

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To allow (one) to enter on an office or to enjoy a privilege; to recognize as qualified for a franchise; …

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To allow, receive, or take; to suffer one to enter; to give possession; to license. Gregory v. United States, 17 …

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The smallest particle of matter that can enter into combination; one of the elementary constituents of a molecule.

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become ENGLISH

To pass from one state to another; to enter into some state or condition, by a change from another state, …

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A surety; one who has entered Into a bond as surety. The word seems to apply especially to the sureties …

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To enter the name of (any one) in a book for the purpose of securing a passage, conveyance, or seat; …

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booker ENGLISH

One who enters accounts or names, etc., in a book; a bookkeeper.

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búhì a {1} alive, living. Kun búhì pa si Tátay, If Dad were only alive. Búhì pa ang ákung pagláum, …

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caveator ENGLISH

One who enters a caveat.

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charge ENGLISH

To place something to the account of as a debt; to debit, as, to charge one with goods. Also, to …

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covenant ENGLISH

To agree (with); to enter into a formal agreement; to bind one's self by contract; to make a stipulation.

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credit ENGLISH

The side of an account on which are entered all items reckoned as values received from the party or the …

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v. /AG- + R2/ to compete with each other, to rival each other. Agdidinnayo dagiti tallo nga ili. The three …

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De Vi Laica Amovenda LAW AND LEGAL

writ of (or for) removing lay force. A writ whlch lay where two parsons contended for a church, and one …

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To enter slightly or cursorily; to engage one's self desultorily or by the way; to partake limitedly; -- followed by …

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encroacher ENGLISH

One who by gradual steps enters on, and takes possession of, what is not his own.

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engage ENGLISH

To promise or pledge one's self; to enter into an obligation; to become bound; to warrant.

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engager ENGLISH

One who enters into an engagement or agreement; a surety.

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Enlistment LAW AND LEGAL

The act of one who voluntarily enters the military or naval service of the government, contracting to serve In a …

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