"Contesseration" is a word in ENGLISH

contesseration ENGLISH

An assemblage; a collection; harmonious union.

Few words of positivity

Haven't you heard? Opposites attract.""yeah, but you're talking about fire and gasoline. With him and you, it's more like pablum and sass.""Which do I get to be?""Darlin', you are all sass, all the time.

Candis Terry, Truly Sweet

Laugh your heart out.

Q. What should you give a man who has everything?A. A woman to show him how to work it.

aggregate ENGLISH

A mass, assemblage, or sum of particulars; as, a house is an aggregate of stone, brick, timber, etc.

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assemblage ENGLISH

The act of assembling, or the state of being assembled; association.

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assemblage ENGLISH

A collection of individuals, or of individuals, or of particular things; as, a political assemblage; an assemblage of ideas.

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assemblance ENGLISH

An assembling; assemblage.

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In the East, an exchange, marketplace, or assemblage of shops where goods are exposed for sale.

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beauty ENGLISH

An assemblage or graces or properties pleasing to the eye, the ear, the intellect, the aesthetic faculty, or the moral …

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In old Frenob law. An assemblage of houses surrounded with walls; a fortified town or village

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The uppermost of any assemblage of parts; as, the cap of column, door, etc.; a capital, coping, cornice, lintel, or …

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carpentry ENGLISH

An assemblage of pieces of timber connected by being framed together, as the pieces of a roof, floor, etc.; work …

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collection ENGLISH

A gathering or assemblage of objects or of persons.

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A tuft or bunch, -- as the assemblage of branches forming the head of a tree; or a cluster of …

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company ENGLISH

An assemblage or association of persons, either permanent or transient.

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complex ENGLISH

Assemblage of related things; collection; complication.

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confluence ENGLISH

Any running together of separate streams or currents; the act of meeting and crowding in a place; hence, a crowd; …

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conflux ENGLISH

A large assemblage; a passing multitude.

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congregate ENGLISH

To collect into an assembly or assemblage; to assemble; to bring into one place, or into a united body; to …

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congregation ENGLISH

The assemblage of Masters and Doctors at Oxford or Cambrige University, mainly for the granting of degrees.

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conjugation ENGLISH

the act of uniting or combining; union; assemblage.

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constellation ENGLISH

An assemblage of splendors or excellences.

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A body of individuals; an assemblage.

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