"Complex" is a word in ENGLISH

complex ENGLISH

Involving many parts; complicated; intricate.

complex ENGLISH

Assemblage of related things; collection; complication.

complex ENGLISH

Composed of two or more parts; composite; not simple; as,
a complex being; a complex idea.

Few words of positivity

Victory - a matter of staying power.

Elbert Hubbard

Laugh your heart out.

Young Judy, the editor of a trivia publication, was having trouble with her computer. So she called Prem, the computer guy, over to her desk. Prem clicked a couple buttons and solved the problem.As he was walking away, Judy called after him, "So, what was wrong?"And he replied, "It was an ID ten T error."A puzzled expression ran riot over Judy's face. "An ID ten T error? What's that ... in case I need to fix it again??"He gave her a grin... ;-)"Haven't you ever heard of an ID ten T error before?""No," replied Judy."Write it down," he said, "and I think you'll figure it out."(She wrote...)I D 1 0 T

acetyl ENGLISH

A complex, hypothetical radical, composed of two parts of carbon to three of hydrogen and one of oxygen. Its hydroxide …

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analyze ENGLISH

To subject to analysis; to resolve (anything complex) into its elements; to separate into the constituent parts, for the purpose …

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complexus ENGLISH

A complex; an aggregate of parts; a complication.

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complicate ENGLISH

Composed of two or more parts united; complex; complicated; involved.

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complication ENGLISH

The act or process of complicating; the state of being complicated; intricate or confused relation of parts; entanglement; complexity.

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configurate ENGLISH

To take form or position, as the parts of a complex structure; to agree with a pattern.

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conjugate ENGLISH

A complex radical supposed to act the part of a single radical.

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consistency ENGLISH

Agreement or harmony of all parts of a complex thing among themselves, or of the same thing with itself at …

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element ENGLISH

One of the ultimate parts which are variously combined in anything; as, letters are the elements of written language; hence, …

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A polyphonic composition, developed from a given theme or themes, according to strict contrapuntal rules. The theme is first given …

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machine ENGLISH

In general, any combination of bodies so connected that their relative motions are constrained, and by means of which force …

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machinery ENGLISH

The means and appliances by which anything is kept in action or a desired result is obtained; a complex system …

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mastodon ENGLISH

An extinct genus of mammals closely allied to the elephant, but having less complex molar teeth, and often a pair …

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A component part performing an essential office in the working of any complex machine; as, the cylinder, valves, crank, etc., …

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resolution ENGLISH

The act, operation, or process of resolving. Specifically: (a) The act of separating a compound into its elements or component …

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Relative dimensions, without difference in proportion of parts; size or degree of the parts or components in any complex thing, …

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simplicity ENGLISH

The quality or state of being not complex, or of consisting of few parts; as, the simplicity of a machine.

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system ENGLISH

An assemblage of parts or organs, either in animal or plant, essential to the performance of some particular function or …

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