"Concession" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH

Concession LAW AND LEGAL

A grant; ordinarily ap-plied to the grant of specific privileges by a government; French and Spanish grants in Louisiana. See western M. & M. Co. v. Pey-tona Coal Co., 8 W. Va. 446

concession ENGLISH

A thing yielded; an acknowledgment or admission; a
boon; a grant; esp. a grant by government of a privilege or right to do
something; as, a concession to build a canal.

concession ENGLISH

The act of conceding or yielding; usually implying a
demand, claim, or request, and thus distinguished from giving, which is
voluntary or spontaneous.

Few words of positivity

People often think of humility as the act of saying 'I am not that great.' This is lack of confidence. True humility is looking at the amazing people throughout history and saying 'I am pretty great... but I can always be greater.

Matthew Goldfinger

Laugh your heart out.

BoyFriend: Why didn't you give me anything for my birthday?GirlFriend: You told me to surprise you.


ábi {1} [gen. ] [gen. ] thought, took for granted. Ábi nákug tinúud, I thought it was true. nímu You …

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(wlthout rendering anything therefrom.) A grant from the crown reservlng no rent 2 Rolle, Abr. 502.

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accord ENGLISH

To grant as suitable or proper; to concede; to award; as, to accord to one due praise.

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To revoke, as a legacy, grant, etc., or to satisfy it by some other gift.

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ademption ENGLISH

The revocation or taking away of a grant donation, legacy, or the like.

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adgaw n k. o. small tree: Premna odorata. The leaves are fra-grant and used medicinally.

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A woman who administers; esp., one who administers the estate of an intestate, or to whom letters of administration have …

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Administratrix LAW AND LEGAL

A female who administers, or to whom letters of admlnlstra-tlon have been granted

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admission ENGLISH

The granting of an argument or position not fully proved; the act of acknowledging something /serted; acknowledgment; concession.

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To suffer to enter; to grant entrance, whether into a place, or into the mind, or consideration; to receive; to …

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Admittance LAW AND LEGAL

In English law. The act of giving possession of a copyhold es-tate. It is of three kinds: (1) Upon a …

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Ad Quod Damnum LAW AND LEGAL

The name of a writ formerly issuing from the English chan-cery, commanding the sheriff to make ln-quiry “to what damage” …

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afford ENGLISH

To give, grant, or confer, with a remoter reference to its being the natural result; to provide; to furnish; as, …

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afford ENGLISH

To offer, provide, or supply, as in selling, granting, expending, with profit, or without loss or too great injury; as, …

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Under a grant of a right of way across the plaintiff's lot of land, the grantee has not a rlght …

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águm - To obtain, reach, enjoy the possession of, gain, get, acquire, reap. Ang mga matárung magaágum or magahiágum kunína …

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A subsidy granted to the king by Parliament; also, an exchequer loan.

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In fendal law, orlglnally mere benevolences granted by a tenant to his lord, In times of distress; but at length …

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He who makes a grant, transfer of title, conveyance, or alienation

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Somewhat of possession, and noth-lng of right, (hut no right) A phrase used by Bracton to describe that kind of …

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