"Commonly" is a word in ENGLISH

commonly ENGLISH

Usually; generally; ordinarily; frequently; for the
most part; as, confirmed habits commonly continue through life.

commonly ENGLISH

In common; familiarly.

Few words of positivity

People often think of humility as the act of saying 'I am not that great.' This is lack of confidence. True humility is looking at the amazing people throughout history and saying 'I am pretty great... but I can always be greater.

Matthew Goldfinger

Laugh your heart out.

BoyFriend: Why didn't you give me anything for my birthday?GirlFriend: You told me to surprise you.

acceptation ENGLISH

The meaning in which a word or expression is understood, or generally received; as, term is to be used according …

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accretion ENGLISH

The adhering of property to something else, by which the owner of one thing becomes possessed of a right to …

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Adulteration LAW AND LEGAL

The act of corrupt-ing or debasing. The term is generally np-piied to the act of mixing up with food or …

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amphibole ENGLISH

A common mineral embracing many varieties varying in color and in composition. It occurs in monoclinic crystals; also massive, generally …

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anagram ENGLISH

Literally, the letters of a word read backwards, but in its usual wider sense, the change or one word or …

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augite ENGLISH

A variety of pyroxene, usually of a black or dark green color, occurring in igneous rocks, such as basalt; -- …

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average ENGLISH

Any medial estimate or general statement derived from a comparison of diverse specific cases; a medium or usual size, quantity, …

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awakening ENGLISH

The act of awaking, or ceasing to sleep. Specifically: A revival of religion, or more general attention to religious matters …

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An inlet of the sea, usually smaller than a gulf, but of the same general character.

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bishop ENGLISH

In the Roman Catholic, Greek, and Anglican or Protestant Episcopal churches, one ordained to the highest order of the ministry, …

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By boundary is under-stood, in general, every separatlon, natural or artificial, whlch marks the confines or line of division of …

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bracket ENGLISH

A piece or combination of pieces, usually triangular in general shape, projecting from, or fastened to, a wall, or other …

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butang CEBUANO

butang v [A; c] {1} put down, in, on. Ikaw bay mubutang sa ákung lip-istik? Will you put my lipstick …

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career ENGLISH

General course of action or conduct in life, or in a particular part or calling in life, or in some …

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cockade ENGLISH

A badge, usually in the form of a rosette, or knot, and generally worn upon the hat; -- used as …

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cognizance ENGLISH

The distinguishing mark worn by an armed knight, usually upon the helmet, and by his retainers and followers: Hence, in …

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Colloquium LAW AND LEGAL

one of the usual parts of the declaration ln an action for slander. It is a general averment that the …

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In English law. A court for the trial of cases of treason and felony. The commis-sloners of assise and nisi …

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dithyramb ENGLISH

A kind of lyric poetry in honor of Bacchus, usually sung by a band of revelers to a flute accompaniment; …

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A mass, usually of soft iron, but sometimes of some other magnetic metal, as nickel or cobalt, rendered temporarily magnetic …

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