"Commonish" is a word in ENGLISH

commonish ENGLISH

Somewhat common; commonplace; vulgar.

Few words of positivity

Everything else has vanished, so you take them now. Maybe if you're the one keeping them, I'll be the one feeling better.

Daniel Handler, Why We Broke Up

Laugh your heart out.

Monster: Someone told me Dr Frankenstein invented the safety match. Igor: Yes, that was one of his most striking achievements.

aard-vark ENGLISH

An edentate mammal, of the genus Orycteropus, somewhat resembling a pig, common in some parts of Southern Africa. It burrows …

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This word is properly an adjective, but is commonly called the indefinite article. It is used before nouns of the …

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ctenophora ENGLISH

A class of Coelenterata, commonly ellipsoidal in shape, swimming by means of eight longitudinal rows of paddles. The separate paddles …

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kurungkuntung CEBUANO

kurungkuntung a somewhat mentally retarded or not able to think. Dílì makatumung sugúun ang táwung kurungkuntung, A person who is …

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In French law. Under the regime en communaute, when that is of the conventional kind, if the surviving husband or …

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rafter ENGLISH

Originally, any rough and somewhat heavy piece of timber. Now, commonly, one of the timbers of a roof which are …

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stigma ENGLISH

That part of a pistil which has no epidermis, and is fitted to receive the pollen. It is usually the …

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subordinary ENGLISH

One of several heraldic bearings somewhat less common than an ordinary. See Ordinary.

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surrey ENGLISH

A four-wheeled pleasure carriage, (commonly two-seated) somewhat like a phaeton, but having a straight bottom.

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tambour ENGLISH

A small frame, commonly circular, and somewhat resembling a tambourine, used for stretching, and firmly holding, a portion of cloth …

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terrane ENGLISH

A group of rocks having a common age or origin; -- nearly equivalent to formation, but used somewhat less comprehensively.

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Used adverbially, in part; partly; somewhat; -- with a following preposition, especially, with, and commonly with repetition.

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