"Cocoa" is a word in ENGLISH


Alt. of Cocoa palm


A preparation made from the seeds of the chocolate tree, and
used in making, a beverage; also the beverage made from cocoa or cocoa

Few words of positivity

What does not destroy me makes me strong.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Laugh your heart out.

Q: How many Americans does it take to change a lightbulb ? A: Two. One to replace it and one to tell him it was burned out (in states that still have car-inspection laws.) A: Three. One to stand on the ladder, and two to carry enough light bulbs until one is found that isn't defective. A: 250,000,000, one to change it and 249,999,999 to debate whether it it was politically correct.

aleberry ENGLISH

A beverage, formerly made by boiling ale with spice, sugar, and sops of bread.

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An acidulated fermented drink of the Arabs and Egyptians, made from millet seed and various astringent substances; also, an intoxicating …

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chocolate ENGLISH

The beverage made by dissolving a portion of the paste or cake in boiling water or milk.

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cocktail ENGLISH

A beverage made of brandy, whisky, or gin, iced, flavored, and sweetened.

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coffee ENGLISH

The beverage made from the roasted and ground berry.

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A species of Macropiper (M. methysticum), the long pepper, from the root of which an intoxicating beverage is made by …

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lebban ENGLISH

Coagulated sour milk diluted with water; -- a common beverage among the Arabs. Also, a fermented liquor made of the …

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metheglin ENGLISH

A fermented beverage made of honey and water; mead.

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A beverage made of wine, water, sugar, nutmeg, and lemon juice; -- so called, it is said, from its first …

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rambooze ENGLISH

A beverage made of wine, ale (or milk), sugar, etc.

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sikwati CEBUANO

sikwáti n chocolate, a beverage made of sugar and ground roasted cacao beans, served hot and thick. v {1} [A13; …

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A beverage made of brandy and gin.

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Vtnous Liquors LAW AND LEGAL

Thfs term includes all alcoholic beverages made from the Juice of the grape by the process of fermentation, and perhaps …

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wassail ENGLISH

The liquor used for a wassail; esp., a beverage formerly much used in England at Christmas and other festivals, made …

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zythum ENGLISH

A kind of ancient malt beverage; a liquor made from malt and wheat.

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Lat A liquor or beverage-made of wheat or barley. Dlg. 33, 6, 9, pr

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