"Sikwati" is a word in CEBUANO

sikwati CEBUANO

sikwáti n chocolate, a beverage made of sugar and ground roasted cacao beans, served hot and thick.
v {1} [A13; a12] make, have chocolate.
{2} [A123P; a12] defeat decisively.
Sa baskit nasik-wáti mi, We were trounced in the basketball game.
{2a} punish severely.
Bantay ka lang ug sakpan kang Pápa kay masikwáti ka giyud, Watch out if Daddy catches you.
You will get it.
{2b} perform badly.
Pisti tung prublimáha.
Mau tuy nakasikwáti (nakapasikwáti) nákù, That damn problem was my downfall in the exam.
{2c} be erotically stimulated to a high degree.
Ug muuban nang bayhána nákù sa sini, masikwáti giyud, If that woman goes to the show with me, Ill get her all hopped up.

Few words of positivity

The girl's face was the color of talcum. Her uncle's was a death mask, a bone structure overlaid by parchment. Shane's was granite, with a glistening line of sweat just below his hair line. He'd never forget this night, the detective knew, no matter what else happened for the rest of his life. They were all getting scars on their souls, the sort of scars people got in the Dark Ages, when they believed in devils and black magic. ("Speak To Me Of Death")

Cornell Woolrich, The Fantastic Stories of Cornell Woolrich

Laugh your heart out.

The Fire brigade phones George Graham in the early hours of Sunday morning."Mr Graham sir, White Hart Lane is on fire!""The cups man! Save the cups!" cries George."Uh, the fire hasn't spread to the canteen yet, sir."

agwadu CEBUANO

agwádu a watery, of a thin mixture. Pagkaagwádu sa ímung tsukuláti, mu rag hinúgas, How watery your chocolate is. It …

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hapnut CEBUANO

hapnut a {2} for a mixture of solids and liquids to be smooth and sti? . v [B; a12] be, …

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kusukusu CEBUANO

kusukúsu v {1} [A; a] rumple or rub s.t. in the hands. Kusukusúha ang papil nga iílu, Rub the paper …

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kútil n drink consisting of palm toddy (tubà) mixed with eggs and/or hot chocolate. v [A; a] {1} mix a …

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sampuradu CEBUANO

sampurádu n rice porridge with chocolate and sugar. v [A13; a12] make sampurádu.

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sulà v [A; b6(1)] eat s.t. together with the staple. Asin ray ámung gisuwà, The only thing we had to …

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utul v {1} [A: a] sever s.t. long. Utla ang kawáyan sa makaduha, Break the bamboo into two. {1a} [A; …

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