"Cheerfully" is a word in ENGLISH

cheerfully ENGLISH

In a cheerful manner, gladly.

Few words of positivity

They will talk about you and it won't always be good. You won't even know them but they will critique you - and judge you - and everything you stand for. Their words will cut through your heart-strings and make you question the hopes and dreams that have gnawed your soul since birth. I warn you, because I believe your unique gift of expression needs to be shared. Resist cowering down and holding back for fear of rejection. Spread those creative wings and create. But, prepare yourself. Because naysayers are not a possibility, they are a guarantee.

Alfa H, Abandoned Breaths

Laugh your heart out.

What do you get if you cross the Lone Ranger with an insect ?The Masked-quito !


abíba, abibar v [A; b5] cheer one on, encourage to do. Nag-abíba sa mga bátag binúang, Egging the children on …

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agwása - (Sp. guasa, guason) Lively, cheerful, good-humoured; to be lively or of a cheerful disposition; to flow freely; to …

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áire - (Sp. aire) Air, atmosphere; liveliness, cheerfulness, sprightliness; gracefulness, elegance in manner, bearing, carriage, etc.

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alacrity ENGLISH

A cheerful readiness, willingness, or promptitude; joyous activity; briskness; sprightliness; as, the soldiers advanced with alacrity to meet the enemy.

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aleger ENGLISH

Gay; cheerful; sprightly.

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alikáya - Gay, sprightly, cheerful, cheery, merry, good-humoured; to be or become gay, etc. Alikáya nga nawóng. A gay expression. …

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arimadur CEBUANO

arimadur n the one who brings the fighting cocks into the arena when they are ready. arimar v [A; b5] …

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ay-ayo ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-EN/ to comfort, soothe, pacify, cheer up. Ay-ayoen na daydiay balasang nga agsangsangit. He is comforting the lady who …

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bang-ar ILOKANO

v. /MA--AN/ to be relieved, comforted, cheered. Mabang-aranak nga makakita kenka. I am cheered to see you. adj. /MAKA-/ relieving, …

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bellycheer ENGLISH

Good cheer; viands.

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bíba {1} cheerful and jolly in a talkative way. {2} particle: Long live! Bíba si Usminya! Bíba ang Pilipínas! Long …

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blithe ENGLISH

Gay; merry; sprightly; joyous; glad; cheerful; as, a blithe spirit.

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Gay; merry; frolicsome; cheerful; blithe.

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bright ENGLISH

Sparkling with wit; lively; vivacious; shedding cheerfulness and joy around; cheerful; cheery.

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brighten ENGLISH

To grow bright, or more bright; to become less dark or gloomy; to clear up; to become bright or cheerful.

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brighten ENGLISH

To improve or relieve by dispelling gloom or removing that which obscures and darkens; to shed light upon; to make …

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buoyancy ENGLISH

Cheerfulness; vivacity; liveliness; sprightliness; -- the opposite of heaviness; as, buoyancy of spirits.

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buoyant ENGLISH

Light-hearted; vivacious; cheerful; as, a buoyant disposition; buoyant spirits.

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Cheerful or mirthful, as after good eating or drinking; also, wanton.

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Cheerful; sprightly; lively; merry.

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