"Characterless" is a word in ENGLISH

characterless ENGLISH

Destitute of any distinguishing quality; without
character or force.

Few words of positivity

One must always be careful of books," said Tessa, "and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us.

Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel

Laugh your heart out.

What do you call a witch with one leg? Eileen.

sleigh ENGLISH

A vehicle moved on runners, and used for transporting persons or goods on snow or ice; -- in England commonly …

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gasogen ENGLISH

An apparatus for the generation of gases, or for impregnating a liquid with a gas, or a gas with a …

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pointed ENGLISH

Sharp; having a sharp point; as, a pointed rock.

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To sanctify; to bless so as to protect from evil influence.

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overdose ENGLISH

To dose to excess; to give an overdose, or too many doses, to.

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A composition of condiments and appetizing ingredients eaten with food as a relish; especially, a dressing for meat or fish …

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croconic ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or derived from, croconic acid.

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self-centring ENGLISH

Centering in one's self.

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double ENGLISH

Twice as much; twice the number, sum, quantity, length, value, and the like.

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averment ENGLISH

The act of averring, or that which is averred; affirmation; positive assertion.

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Any effort or exertion of strength for the purpose of ascertaining what can be done or effected.

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labiose ENGLISH

Having the appearance of being labiate; -- said of certain polypetalous corollas.

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bullion ENGLISH

Showy metallic ornament, as of gold, silver, or copper, on bridles, saddles, etc.

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bakan n k. o. fish. bakanbákan n k. o. goatfish.

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A pit, groove, cavity, or depression, of greater or less depth; as, the temporal fossa on the side of the …

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circle ENGLISH

A form of argument in which two or more unproved statements are used to prove each other; inconclusive reasoning.

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guruguru CEBUANO

gurùgurù n irregular, rough wrinkles in the skin. v [B46N] for the face to be deeply wrinkled. Nanggurùgurù ang nawung …

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to-day ENGLISH

The present day.

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Dertvative LAW AND LEGAL

Coming from another; taken from something preceding; secondary; that which has not its origin in itself, but owes its existence …

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