"Celibatist" is a word in ENGLISH

celibatist ENGLISH

One who lives unmarried.

Few words of positivity

Why crawl like a caterpillar when you have the wings to be a butterfly?

Faraaz Kazi, More Than Just Friends

Laugh your heart out.

As the bus came to the stop, the man at the front of the queue took out his eye, threw it up in the air and caught it before getting on the bus. An amazed conductor said, 'What on earth did you do that for?' 'I wanted to know if there was room on top,' replied the man.

abelonian ENGLISH

One of a sect in Africa (4th century), mentioned by St. Augustine, who states that they married, but lived in …

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Absconding Debtor LAW AND LEGAL

one,who;ab-sconds from his credltors. An absconding, debtor is oue who lives without the stpte, or who has intentionally concealed himself …

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absentee ENGLISH

One who absents himself from his country, office, post, or duty; especially, a landholder who lives in another country or …

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abtik a {1} nimble, quick in reaction. Ang musáyaw sa tinikling kinahanglang abtik ug tiil, Whoever dances the tinikling has …

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ag--inn-ak ILOKANO

1. to do the action denoted by the stem to each other. Nagpinnakawan da. They forgave each other. 2. to …

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alábut - (H) To follow one thing or work after another. Also: The plural form of ábut. Sámtang nga buhî …

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alagukuy CEBUANO

alagúkuy n k. o. light orange crab living in holes along the shore. It is about an inch across, and …

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amáno - (Sp. a mano) Quits, square, paid in full, given into the hand; to settle, square, pay in full. …

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amnicolist ENGLISH

One who lives near a river.

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amoyóng - (B) To stay, live, take up one’s abode. Nagaamoyóng silá sa umá. They are living at their farm. …

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ántay - To move, to transfer one’s residence, go to live somewhere else, to carry or transport to some other …

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antediluvian ENGLISH

One who lived before the Deluge.

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apíki a {1} inadequate in space. Apíki ang gamayng balay pára kanámung tanan, A small house is inadequate for all …

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arti n art. Arti sa pamálak, Art of poetry. may, walay be (not be) artistic. May arti siyang mukanta, She …

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One of a primitive people supposed to have lived in prehistoric times, in Central Asia, east of the Caspian Sea, …

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áti - Negrito, a member of the dark-skinned tribes living in the mountains; a beggar, mendicant, from the fact that …

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automaton ENGLISH

A self-moving machine, or one which has its motive power within itself; -- applied chiefly to machines which appear to …

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backsettler ENGLISH

One living in the back or outlying districts of a community.

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bakía - To agree, pull well together, get along with, understand one another. Kon ang asáwa magbolobakía sa bána, dílì …

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balayón - Domestic, domesticated, accustomed to live in a house, applied to domestic animals like cats, dogs, poultry, etc. Applied …

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