"Campaigner" is a word in ENGLISH

campaigner ENGLISH

One who has served in an army in several campaigns; an
old soldier; a veteran.

Few words of positivity

Only people who're positive enough to have friends have enemies. When you're as glum and morose as he was, people just give up and go away.

Ellis Peters, A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs

Laugh your heart out.

Q. Why did the blonde climb over the glass wall?A. To see what was on the other side.

Absconding Debtor LAW AND LEGAL

one,who;ab-sconds from his credltors. An absconding, debtor is oue who lives without the stpte, or who has intentionally concealed himself …

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adipen ILOKANO

n. slave; servant. v. /MANG-:-EN/ to enslave; to force (someone) to serve free. Isu ti nangadipen kanyak. He was the …

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ámpis - (B) A Philippine woman’s skirt; to use or wear such a skirt. Nagaámpis siá sing pulá. She wears …

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apprentice ENGLISH

One who is bound by indentures or by legal agreement to serve a mechanic, or other person, for a certain …

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The time an apprentice is serving (sometimes seven years, as from the age of fourteen to twenty-one).

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Apprenticeship LAW AND LEGAL

A contract by which one person, usually a minor, called the “apprentice,” is bound to another person, called the “master,” …

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báli a {1} be worth it (not used negatively). Písus ang palit nímu sa isdà? Báli sad, You paid a …

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bandiha CEBUANO

bandíha n {1} food or drinks brought to a party. Magdala giyud kag bandíha sa pagpangunggu, You must bring food …

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báyad v {1} [A2S3S; b1] pay for s.t. Nagbayad mig kinyintus káda búlan, We paid five hundred a month. Bayran …

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báyò - A Philippine upper garment for men and women, dress for the upper part of the body, bodice, jacket. …

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binilanggo HILIGAYNON

binilánggò - Prisoner, convict, inmate of a prison, one who is serving his time. (cf. préso, bilánggò, bilanggóan).

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Hence: What is served on a table as food; stated meals; provision; entertainment; -- usually as furnished for pay; as, …

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A piece of material used to transmit, or change the direction of, weight or pressure; any one of the pieces, …

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bugnaw CEBUANO

bugnaw a {1} cold or cool to the touch. Bugnaw nga imnun, Cool if you drink it. Bugnaw nga panahun, …

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bukway CEBUANO

bukway v [B; c1] {1} for long, thin things to stretch out: ten-drils, flowers, sunrays, etc. Nagbukway na ang mga …

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Castellorum Oferatio LAW AND LEGAL

In Sax-on and old English law. Castle work. Serv-ice and labor done by Inferior tenants for the bulldlng and upholding …

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Certiorari LAW AND LEGAL

Lat. (To be Informed of, to be made certain in regard to.) The name of a writ issued by a …

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Classification LAW AND LEGAL

In the practice of the English chancery division, where there are several parties to an admlnistration actlon, including those who …

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conscript ENGLISH

One taken by lot, or compulsorily enrolled, to serve as a soldier or sailor.

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convey ENGLISH

To cause to pass from one place or person to another; to serve as a medium in carrying (anything) from …

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