"Butete" is a word in TAGALOG

butete TAGALOG

Definition: (noun) tadpole

Few words of positivity

In order to build a system of values you need time and persistence

Sunday Adelaja

Laugh your heart out.

What's a ghosts favorite ride at the carnival?The roller ghosted.

swinish ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to swine; befitting swine; like swine; hoggish; gross; beasty; as, a swinish drunkard or sot.

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empirically ENGLISH

By experiment or experience; without science; in the manner of quacks.

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fuscine ENGLISH

A dark-colored substance obtained from empyreumatic animal oil.

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To be pleased with in a moderate degree; to approve; to take satisfaction in; to enjoy.

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maintop ENGLISH

The platform about the head of the mainmast in square-rigged vessels.

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abubhu CEBUANO

abubhu paN- v [A2; b6] be jealous of a loved one. n jealousy. abubhuan a jealous. Abubhuang bána, A jealous …

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tígì v [A; a] pour all the remaining portion of liquid from a container. Tigía ang patis sa butilya, Drain …

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yáman = mayáman.

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ensconce ENGLISH

To cover or shelter, as with a sconce or fort; to place or hide securely; to conceal.

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kakahuyan HILIGAYNON

kakahúyan - Forest, wood, coppice, copse; collection of trees, wood, timber, lumber. (cf. káhoy).

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buyung CEBUANO

buyung n highwayman. v [A; a12] {1} for a highwayman to hold s. o. up. Ayaw pagbaktas didtu sa awáaw …

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sákrò - Ill, evil, disease, sickness, illness; to make—sick,—ill. Andam ka, agúd índì ka pagsakroón liwán. Take care or you …

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absolutism ENGLISH

The state of being absolute; the system or doctrine of the absolute; the principles or practice of absolute or arbitrary …

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jigger ENGLISH

A pendulum rolling machine for slicking or graining leather; same as Jack, 4 (i).

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legumen ENGLISH
labent ENGLISH

Slipping; sliding; gliding.

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semitertian ENGLISH

An intermittent combining the characteristics of a tertian and a quotidian.

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mumù a having as much of s.t. as one could want. Mumù sa pagpanggà ang bugtung, An only child has …

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Land plowed and sown every year

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stricture ENGLISH

A stroke; a glance; a touch.

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