"Sakro" is a word in HILIGAYNON


sákrò - Ill, evil, disease, sickness, illness;
to make—sick,—ill. Andam ka, agúd índì
ka pagsakroón liwán. Take care or you will
get sick again. Si Fuláno ginsákrò sang isá
ka simána kag túbtub karón ginasákrò pa
siá gihápon. (Si Fuláno ginsákrò kang
isaráng simána kag ásta tulád kadyá
ginasákrò tána angód). N.N. was taken ill
a week ago and up till now he is still unwell.
Ang sinámbit nga mga sákrò amó ang íya
ginabátyag. The ills mentioned are
precisely those he is suffering from. (cf.
sángkò, masakít, molomasakít).

Few words of positivity

All suffer and none should have to. But why not? If suffering makes life seem more real or more abstract, both circumstances are infinitely more bearable than the disturbing reality of mundane work-to-live-then-die-bored life.

Moonshine Noire

Laugh your heart out.

Q: How do you know when a blonde has been making chocolate chip cookies?A: You find M&M shells all over the kitchen floor.


dúnggò - To attack, assail, fasten on, take, afflict with, strike, lay low, get hold of, (said of a disease). …

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