"Bethumb" is a word in ENGLISH

bethumb ENGLISH

To handle; to wear or soil by handling; as books.

Few words of positivity

For just this moment, he wanted her to see him for who he was, without the pity he knew she'd feel when she found out the truth.

Travis Neighbor Ward, Come Find Me

Laugh your heart out.

Q. Where do fish sleep?A. In a river bed

abalbalay ILOKANO

n. toy, plaything. v. /AG-, MANG-:-EN/ 1. to play with as with a toy; to trifle with. Saan mo nga …

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A carpenter's or cooper's tool, formed with a thin arching blade set at right angles to the handle. It is …

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agam-agam HILIGAYNON

agám-agám - Dim. and Freq. of agám. Also: to take a firm hold of, do (handle, manage) well (carefully).

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ahós - To tease, to stroke or caress a child against its will, to pat or fondle a child averse …

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alamligan HILIGAYNON

alamlígan - (H) Delicate, to be handled or looked after with care; anything to be treated or guarded with caution …

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alandaman HILIGAYNON

alandáman - (H) Delicate, precious, to be handled with care or caution. Ang tanán nga mga butáng nga mahapús mabúong …

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alíma - (B) The hand. Pagpangalíma—to handle, handle roughly, come to blows, etc. Indì ka mangalíma sa íya or índì …

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alimá - (B) To take in hand, to handle or take care of. Alimahón mo gánì iníng mga bátà. Take …

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ámlig - Care, attention, caution; to handle with care, to guard well or be careful with. Amligí ang bág-o nga …

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amphora ENGLISH

Among the ancients, a two-handled vessel, tapering at the bottom, used for holding wine, oil, etc.

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ampulla ENGLISH

A narrow-necked vessel having two handles and bellying out like a jug.

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ándam - Caution, wariness, carefulness, prudence, circumspection; to be cautious, to beware, to be careful, wary, circumspect. Andamá ang pagkapút …

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ángkob - The beater or handle attached to the reed in a loom and used to beat the weft closely …

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ánhon - From anó. Anhon mo? What can you do? Anhon mo iní? What shall you (will you) do with …

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ansated ENGLISH

Having a handle.

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antus v [A; a1] {1} endure, stand. Mag-antus arun masantus, Endure if you are to become a saint. Makaantus ka …

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ápal - The handle, haft, grip, hilt of a bolo, knife, sword, etc; to provide with a handle, etc. Apáli …

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arapal, arapal HILIGAYNON

arápal, arapál - (B) A piece of wood suitable for shaping into the handle of a bolo or the like; …

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atsaatsa CEBUANO

atsaatsa v [B1] be hard pressed doing s.t. because of its be-ing more than one can handle. Nagkaatsaatsa kug pangítag …

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attrectation ENGLISH

Frequent handling or touching.

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