"Amphora" is a word in ENGLISH

amphora ENGLISH

Among the ancients, a two-handled vessel, tapering at the
bottom, used for holding wine, oil, etc.

Few words of positivity

To challenge yourself takes courage, not for the strength it takes to accomplish your goals but for the commitment to stay true to your dreams.


Laugh your heart out.

A hungry lion was roaming through the jungle looking for something to eat.He came across two men. One was sitting under a tree reading a book; the other was typing away on his typewriter. The lion quickly pounced on the man reading the book and devoured him.Even the king of the jungle knows that readers digest, and writers cramp.

abraxas ENGLISH

A mystical word used as a charm and engraved on gems among the ancients; also, a gem stone thus engraved.

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astrology ENGLISH

In its etymological signification, the science of the stars; among the ancients, synonymous with astronomy; subsequently, the art of judging …

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A professional poet and singer, as among the ancient Celts, whose occupation was to compose and sing verses in honor …

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ceroma ENGLISH

The unguent (a composition of oil and wax) with which wrestlers were anointed among the ancient Romans.

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chiton ENGLISH

An under garment among the ancient Greeks, nearly representing the modern shirt.

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cognomen ENGLISH

The last of the three names of a person among the ancient Romans, denoting his house or family.

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Concubinage LAW AND LEGAL

A species of loose or informal marriage which took place among the ancients, and which is yet ln nse in …

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cyphonism ENGLISH

A punishment sometimes used by the ancients, consisting in the besmearing of the criminal with honey, and exposing him to …

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diffarreation ENGLISH

A form of divorce, among the ancient Romans, in which a cake was used. See Confarreation.

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drachma ENGLISH

Among the ancient Greeks, a weight of about 66.5 grains; among the modern Greeks, a weight equal to a gram.

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drachma ENGLISH

A silver coin among the ancient Greeks, having a different value in different States and at different periods. The average …

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One of an order of priests which in ancient times existed among certain branches of the Celtic race, especially among …

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dulcimer ENGLISH

An ancient musical instrument in use among the Jews. Dan. iii. 5. It is supposed to be the same with …

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expiation ENGLISH

An act by which the treats of prodigies were averted among the ancient heathen.

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Among the ancient Romans, that order of priests who discharged tiie duties of ambassadors. Subsequently their du-tles appear to have …

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Feloniously. Anciently an indispensable word ln indictments for felony, and classed by Lord Coke among those voces artts (words of …

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gynaecium ENGLISH

The part of a large house, among the ancients, exclusively appropriated to women.

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Anciently, among all tbe northern nations, shaking of hands was held necessary to blnd a bargain,—a custom stlll retained in …

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infula ENGLISH

A sort of fillet worn by dignitaries, priests, and others among the ancient Romans. It was generally white.

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In Nullius Bonis LAW AND LEGAL

Among the goods or property of no person; belonging to no person, as treasure-trove and wreck were anciently considered

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