"Bemol" is a word in ENGLISH


The sign /; the same as B flat.

Few words of positivity

Ma'am," he said, reaching for the door. He held it open, his posture as erect and sturdy as a pole.I eyed the man's uniform, the pins and badges that signified his military rank and position. At that moment I felt opposing forces wash over me, clashing internally like a cold and warm front meeting in the air.At first I was hit by a burning sense of respect and gratitude. How privileged a person I was to have this soldier unbar the way for me, maintaining a clear path that I might advance unhindered. The symbolism marked by his actions did strike me with remarkable intensity. How many virtual doors would be shut in my face if not for dutiful soldiers like him?As I went to step forward, my feet nearly faltered as if they felt unworthy. It was I who ought to be holding open the door for this gentleman—this representative of great heroes present and past who did fight and sacrifice and continue to do so to keep doors open, paths free and clear for all of humanity.I moved through the entrance and thanked him."Yes, ma'am," he said.How strange that I should feel such pride while passing through his open door.

Richelle E. Goodrich, Slaying Dragons

Laugh your heart out.

THE teacher announced that to practice spelling, each member of the class would say what their fathers did for a living and then spell the occupation. Mary went first. "My Dad is a baker, b-a-k-e-r, and if he were here, he would give everyone a cookie." Next came Tommy. "My dad is a banker, b-a-n-k-e-r, and if he were here, he'd give each of us a quarter." Third came Jimmy. "My dad is an electrician.'' But after struggling through a number of attempts to spell the word, the teacher asked him to sit and think about it for a moment while she called on someone else. She then turned to Johnny. "My dad's a bookie, b-o-o-k-i-e," Johnny said. "And if he were here, he'd lay you 8 to 5 that Jimmy ain't never gonnaspell electrician."

affidavit ENGLISH

A sworn statement in writing; a declaration in writing, signed and made upon oath before an authorized magistrate.

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aghast ENGLISH

Terrified; struck with amazement; showing signs of terror or horror.

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agraphia ENGLISH

The absence or loss of the power of expressing ideas by written signs. It is one form of aphasia.

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In old Scotch law. The court of the justices itinerant, corresponding with the English eyre, (q. v.) Skene de Verb. …

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aksiyun CEBUANO

aksiyun n {1} action, movement. {2} interest or part owned in a business. May aksiyun siya sa Maníla Iliktrik, He …

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aktu n {1} the act of doing s.t. Ang tanang mga aktu sa simba-han pagabayran na, You have to pay …

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aldine ENGLISH

An epithet applied to editions (chiefly of the classics) which proceeded from the press of Aldus Manitius, and his family, …

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alepole ENGLISH

A pole set up as the sign of an alehouse.

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alestake ENGLISH

A stake or pole projecting from, or set up before, an alehouse, as a sign; an alepole. At the end …

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A maypole or loug stake driven into tlie ground, with a sign on it for the sale of ale. Cowell

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In Roman law. A word which the emperors formerly signed at the bottom of thein rescripts and constitutions; under other …

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alphabet ENGLISH

The letters of a language arranged in the customary order; the series of letters or signs which form the elements …

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al segno ENGLISH

A direction for the performer to return and recommence from the sign /.

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amang a {1} mute. Unsáun pagtubag ni Pidru ug amang siya? How can Pedro answer if he is mute? {2} …

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amóy - Grammatically incorrect, but often used and even printed for amó ang. Ang timáan sang Sánta Cruz nga amóy …

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In the clvli law. The slgn-manual of the emperor; a rescript of the emperor, signed with his own hand. It …

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In the Roman law. A transcript or counterpart of the Instrument called “apocha.” signed by the debtor and delivered to …

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antiphone ENGLISH

The response which one side of the choir makes to the other in a chant; alternate chanting or signing.

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antiphony ENGLISH

A musical response; also, antiphonal chanting or signing.

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apâ - Mute, dumb; silent, mum, speechless; to be or become dumb. Nagapâ siá sa hinálî. He was suddenly struck …

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