"Aktu" is a word in CEBUANO


aktu n {1} the act of doing s.t.
Ang tanang mga aktu sa simba-han pagabayran na, You have to pay for every church ceremony now.
Nasakpan siya sa aktu, He was caught in the act.
{1a} acts in the church.
Aktu sa pagbásul, kuntrisiyun, Act of Con-trition.
{2} the time that s.t.
Sa aksidinti tulu ang namatay sa aktu, In the accident three died on the spot.
Ang táwu nga náa sa aktu sa kamatáyun dílì mamakak, A man does not lie when he is at the point of death.
{3} acts of a legislative body.
{4} acts of a drama.
v {1} [b4(1)] be caught in doing an act.
Hiaktuhan siyang nangáwat, He was caught in the act of stealing.
{2} [A] a engage in some action.
Ug muaktu siyag dautan, singgit, If he acts suspiciously, scream.
{b} show signs of dying.
Ug muaktu na, ipatawag ku, If he shows signs of dying, send for me.

Few words of positivity

Some words are sweet but unprotifable! Some are bitter but important. First weigh your words on the counter of integrity and speak not only because your words are sweet, but because they contain the truth!

Israelmore Ayivor

Laugh your heart out.

What do you call a man who has lost 95% of his brainpower?A widower.

kuntrisiyun CEBUANO

kuntrisiyun aktu sa n Act of Contrition.

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