"Banate" is a word in HILIGAYNON


banáte - A kind of shrub whose beautiful
branches and leaves, when separated from
the stem, keep their green colour for a long
time without fading. Consequently they are
well adapted for decoration.

Few words of positivity

Create your own path.Don't blindly follow the massess... because most of the time the "M" is silent.

Abhysheq Shukla, The Reflection "Success or Stress"Choose Wisely

Laugh your heart out.

- Santa Claus, one smart and one stupid policeman are walking together when they spotted hundred dollars on the ground. Who will take the money?- ???- Stupid policeman, since Santa Claus and the smart policeman don't exist.

banat-banat HILIGAYNON

banát-bánat - (B) To take physical exercise, to set one’s limbs in motion. Ibanátbánat ang láwas mo. Exercise your body. …

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