"Awil" is a word in CEBUANO


áwil v [A; b] paddle a boat to make it stay in place.
Awíli ang sakayan arun dílì ta iánud, Paddle the boat in place so we wont be carried away.

Few words of positivity

Only a weak mind seeks ultimate answers.

Agnes Thornton

Laugh your heart out.

A man who thinks he's George Washington has been seeing a psychiatrist. He finishes up one session by telling him, "Tomorrow, we'll cross the Delaware and surprise them when they least expect it." As soon as he's gone, the psychiatrist picks up the phone and says, "King George, this is Benedict Arnold. I have the plans."


abut v {1} [A; a12] arrive, reach a place. Dì pa makaabut (maabut) ang suwat, The letter wont have arrived …

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andámio - (Sp. andamio) Gangplank, gangway, gangboard, a narrow framework or platform for the passage of vehicles and pedestrians; scaffold; …

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atubang CEBUANO

atubang v {1} [A; c1] face towards. Sígi ka lang nag-atubang sa ispíhu, Youre always looking at yourself in (lit. …

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bandung CEBUANO

bandung n large boat to bring the net and fishermen out to the fishing grounds, consisting of a pair of …

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bangan CEBUANO

bángan v [A; a] {1} tie a bunch of long things together. Bangánun nátù ang lipak arun sayun pas-ánun, Lets …

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To place in a boat; as, to boat oars.

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bugsay CEBUANO

bugsay n oar, paddle. v {1} [AN; b] row, paddle. Mibugsay (namugsay) siya padúlung sa lawud, He paddled toward the …

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buntalán - A place or side of a thing open to blows, thrusts, waves, etc. Ang buntalán sang subâ. The …

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A tract of land, over which boats or goods are carried between two bodies of navigable water; a carrying place; …

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diriksiyun CEBUANO

diriksiyun n {1} direction, management. Kumpaníya ubus sa diriksiyun sa usa ka Amirikánu, Company under the manage-ment of an American. …

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dispatsir CEBUANO

dispatsir n {1} dispatcher of public transportation. Dispatsir sa trák, The dispatcher at the bus station. {2} person who goes …

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dul-ung CEBUANO

dul-ung v {1} [A; b6] go up to a place. Nagdul-ung ang barku sa pantalan, The boat was about to …

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dunggu CEBUANO

dunggù v {1} [A2; ac] for a boat to come to shore, wharf. Un-say inyung dunggúun didtu? What are you …

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A liberty to have a boat upon a river for the transportation of men, horses, and carriages with thelr contents, …

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gíwit v [B12; a1] torn into shreds. Nagkagíwit na giyud kaáyu ang mga kurtína, My curtains are torn to pieces …

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hangad CEBUANO

hangad v {1} [A; ab2] look up, turn the head up. Dì ku ka-hangad kay mitikig ákung líug, I cannot …

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hapit v {1} [A2; b6(1)] drop by, stop in for a short while. Hapit úsà mu sa balay, Stop in …

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haw-as CEBUANO

haw-as v {1} [A; c1] remove things from a confined space with-out moving the container. Haw-ásun ba ang sinínà gíkan …

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ígù a {1} enough, big enough. Ígù ba ang sapátus nímu? Are the shoes big enough for you? Ígù na …

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kilya n {1} an edge that is square. Háit ra ang kilya sa lamísa, The square edge of the table …

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