"Automorphic" is a word in ENGLISH

automorphic ENGLISH

Patterned after one's self.

Few words of positivity

Poetry is jealous of you tonight, for as soon as I come to pen a few words, your perfume attacks me in the most civilised manner and I forget myself. I forget the poem. I forget the ...

Kamand Kojouri

Laugh your heart out.

What is the strongest animal?A racehorse, because it can take hundreds of people for a ride at once!

ballaet ILOKANO

v. /MANGI-: I-/ to insert in regular intervals, to intertwine in a regular pattern, to mix with according to a …

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dihà {1a} there (near addressee, far from speaker). Dihà ibu-tang, Put it down right there. Dihà tu nímu, You had …

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dogcart ENGLISH

A light one-horse carriage, commonly two-wheeled, patterned after a cart. The original dogcarts used in England by sportsmen had a …

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exemplifier ENGLISH

One who exemplifies by following a pattern.

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One of several patterns or diapers used as tinctures. There are nine in all, or, according to some writers, only …

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húlad v {1} [A13; c] describe, depict. Mihúlad (nahúlad, gi-húlad) sa íyang panagway ang túmang kabaláka, Extreme anxi-ety appeared on …

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A fiction object or picture created by the imagination; the same when proposed as a pattern to be copied, or …

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imbricated ENGLISH

In decorative art: Having scales lapping one over the other, or a representation of such scales; as, an imbricated surface; …

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kurti n {1} measure of cloth cut in advance. Tagpíla man ang kurti íning karsunisúna? How much is this pant, …

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lagdà n pattern or outline to which s.t. is to conform. {1} rules of behavior or action. Lagdà sa gramatika, …

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moulding ENGLISH

A plane, or curved, narrow surface, either sunk or projecting, used for decoration by means of the lights and shades …

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A peculiar pattern in which gold lace or silver lace is worked; especially, one in which the edges are ornamented …

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pistol ENGLISH

The smallest firearm used, intended to be fired from one hand, -- now of many patterns, and bearing a great …

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Having a pattern or colors which resemble a Scotch plaid; checkered or marked with bars or stripes at right angles …

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railway ENGLISH

A road or way consisting of one or more parallel series of iron or steel rails, patterned and adjusted to …

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rigla n {1} principle of almost established certainty. Mauy ílang rigla nga kun manggulà ang mga ípus, mag-ulan, As a …

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sumban CEBUANO

sumban (from subung) gisumban/sumban/sumbi v make s.t. mod-elled after s.t. else. Ritrátu ray ákung gisumban paggamà nákù áning dulaána, I …

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tam dyuns n mens long hair style patterned after the singer, Tom Jones. v [A13] wear ones hair in the …

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tracing ENGLISH

The act of one who traces; especially, the act of copying by marking on thin paper, or other transparent substance, …

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waistcoating ENGLISH

A fabric designed for waistcoats; esp., one in which there is a pattern, differently colored yarns being used.

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