"Astrand" is a word in ENGLISH

astrand ENGLISH


Few words of positivity

The law of manifestation operates like a triangle: First, know what you want and visualize it as if you already had it; Second, see it behind the illusion of reality, practice it in your decisions, choose the people you hang out with, etc; Third, believe, have faith and work on your emotions to be at the right frequency. This triangle of manifestation is one of the secrets of many religions: Scientology, Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism. In Masonry is seen as "heart, mind and desire"; in Scientology is perceived as "reality, communication and emotions"; basically, "actions, learnings and affinity". In Christianity, is the "Father, son and holy ghost". Father equals reality or Creator of the illusion; The son is the way, the path, our decisions and actions; The holy ghost is our heart, instincts and desires. In word words, through Jesus, and with the power of the Holy Ghost, you reach God. This is an allegory that most Christians can't understand. Jesus represent behavior - right and wrong; holy ghost is faith, your heart and emotions, it's the energy that connects you to your dreams; God represents the architect of reality. So, through moral behavior and emotions, your understand God and life, and then you receive "paradise". This paradise is whatever you dream for yourself. If someone has shown you this way, he has been as an angel, a messenger of God. If someone stopped you from reaching it, he has been as a demon, worker of Satan. If you failed to see this path, you have directed yourself to hell. If you hate your life, you are in hell. If you want to get out of hell, you must accept the truth, and that is that you must know God, for he is the truth.

Robin Sacredfire

Laugh your heart out.

The Ugly Hag by Ida Face

aground ENGLISH

On the ground; stranded; -- a nautical term applied to a ship when its bottom lodges on the ground.

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alatasón - (H) Fish to be caught by draining away water and leaving them stranded. (átas).

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Algarum Maris LAW AND LEGAL

Probably a corruption of Laganuin maris, lagan being a right, in the middle ages, like jetsam and flotsam, by "which …

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átas - A method of catching fish by draining off the water; to drain a riverchannel, to strand fish by …

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at-at v {1} [A; a] make an opening by pushing two sides apart. Midakù ang lungag sa kural kay íya …

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banawug CEBUANO

banáwug n {1} strand of hair that grows by itself in a place where there is no other hair. {2} …

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bará - (Sp. varar) To run aground, to run on sand in shallow water, be stranded (said of ships). Nagbará …

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báybay - The sea-shore, beach, strand, coast, sea-side.

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baybáyon - The foreshore, beach, strand, that part of the sea-shore that is washed by the tide. (cf. báybay).

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The shore of the sea, or of a lake, which is washed by the waves; especially, a sandy or pebbly …

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To run or drive (as a vessel or a boat) upon a beach; to strand; as, to beach a ship.

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beached ENGLISH

Driven on a beach; stranded; drawn up on a beach; as, the ship is beached.

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bilangbilang CEBUANO

bilangbílang n k. o. cactus-like plant of the strand, the stems and leaves of which are used as a condiment …

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bílik v {1} [AB2S6; a] turn on its axis, spin s.t. Mubílik nang manubílag íya ra, That steering wheel turns …

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bilyu n strands of fiber twisted together into a string. v [A; c1] twine hand-twisted strands into a thin rope …

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bitaug CEBUANO

bitaug n k. o. tree of strand: Calophyllum inophyllum.

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bituun CEBUANO

bitúun n {1} star. {2} star in a movie. {3} star-shaped Christ-mas lantern. {4} k. o. tree of strand, the …

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A plait, band, or narrow fabric formed by intertwining or weaving together different strands.

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To weave, interlace, or entwine together, as three or more strands or threads; to form into a braid; to plait.

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bugway CEBUANO

bugway n {1} spike of flowers or fruit that branches out. {2} s.t. plaited together in a string or garland …

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