"Alatason" is a word in HILIGAYNON


alatasón - (H) Fish to be caught by
draining away water and leaving them
stranded. (átas).

Few words of positivity

Someone is going to tell you to get use to this. That feeling of being scared and sad. They're going to say it'll be better when you learn to ignore it. Don't listen to them. Hold on to it, remember it... Don't let yourself forget it. It's too easy to lose.-Carl Grimes

Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead, Issue #125

Laugh your heart out.

Monster: Stick 'em down. Ghost: Don't you mean, stick 'em up. Monster: No wonder I'm not making much money in this business.

oxidizable ENGLISH

Capable of being oxidized.

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tragical ENGLISH

Mournful; expressive of tragedy, the loss of life, or of sorrow.

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emanatively ENGLISH

By an emanation.

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athwart ENGLISH

Across the course; so as to thwart; perversely.

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tiyaga TAGALOG

tiyaga Definition: (adj) /ma--/ constant; patient; persevering

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fissipedia ENGLISH

A division of the Carnivora, including the dogs, cats, and bears, in which the feet are not webbed; -- opposed …

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A loose, earthy deposit from water, found in the cavities or clefts of rocks, mostly white, but sometimes red or …

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saburnu CEBUANO

saburnu = suburnu.

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Of, pertaining to, or designating, a complex tribasic organic acid, C3H5.(CO2H)3 occurring naturally in unripe beet roots, and produced artificially …

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panggwâ - Freq. of gwâ—to go outside, etc.

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cropper ENGLISH

A variety of pigeon with a large crop; a pouter.

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papillomatous ENGLISH

Of, pertaining to, or consisting of, papillomata.

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To get to be, as the result of change or progress; -- with a predicate; as, to come untied.

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The margin of a watercourse; the rising ground bordering a lake, river, or sea, or forming the edge of a …

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To send forth a forcible current of air, as from the mouth or from a pair of bellows.

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deceptiveness ENGLISH

The power or habit of deceiving; tendency or aptness to deceive.

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sneaky ENGLISH

Like a sneak; sneaking.

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sidhawus CEBUANO

sidhawus n shed providing shade for seed beds. v [A; b6] con-struct such a shed.

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