"Astipulation" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH

Astipulation LAW AND LEGAL

A mutual agreement, assent, and consent between parties; also a witness or record

astipulation ENGLISH

Stipulation; agreement.

Few words of positivity

I’m not a good kid. Yeah, look, I’m just a piece of paper with the word sad and a bunch of cuss words written on it.A lousy piece of paper. That’s me.A piece of paper that’s waiting to be torn up.

Benjamin Alire Sáenz, Last Night I Sang to the Monster

Laugh your heart out.

This guy goes to the zoo one day. While standing in front of the gorilla's cage, a gust of wind swept some dust into his eye. As he rubbed his eyelid, the gorilla went crazy, bent open the bars, and beat the guy senseless.When the guy came to his senses, he reported the incident to the zookeeper. Nodding, the zookeeper explained that pulling down your eyelid means "F**k you!" in gorilla language. The explanation didn't make the victim feel any better and he vowed revenge.The next day he purchased two large knives, two party hats, two party horns, and a large sausage. Putting the sausage in his pants, he hurried to the zoo and over to the gorilla's cage, where he tossed a hat, a knife, and a party horn.Knowing that gorillas were natural mimics, he put on a party hat. The gorilla looked at him, looked at the hat, and put it on. Next, he picked up his horn and blew on it. The gorilla picked up his horn and did the same. Then the man picked up his knife, whipped the sausage out of his pants, and sliced it in half.The gorilla looked at the knife, looked at his own crotch, looked at the man, and pulled down his eyelid.


Lat. From the beginning; from the first act A party is said .to be a trespasser ab initio, an estate …

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abóno - (Sp. abono) Manure, fertilizer; to manure. Abonóhi ang umá. Manure the aborído – abút-ábut field. Ipaabóno ko sa …

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Abstract Of A Fine LAW AND LEGAL

In old conveyancing. one of the parts of a fine, being an abstract of the writ of covenant, and the …

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Acceptance LAW AND LEGAL

The taking and receiv-ing of anything in good part, and as it were a tacit agreement to a preceding act, …

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accommodate ENGLISH

To bring into agreement or harmony; to reconcile; to compose; to adjust; to settle; as, to accommodate differences, a dispute, …

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accommodation ENGLISH

An adjustment of differences; state of agreement; reconciliation; settlement.

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accord ENGLISH

Agreement or concurrence of opinion, will, or action; harmony of mind; consent; assent.

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accord ENGLISH

To bring to an agreement, as persons; to reconcile; to settle, adjust, harmonize, or compose, as things; as, to accord …

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accord ENGLISH

Harmony of sounds; agreement in pitch and tone; concord; as, the accord of tones.

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accord ENGLISH

Agreement, harmony, or just correspondence of things; as, the accord of light and shade in painting.

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accord ENGLISH

An agreement between parties in controversy, by which satisfaction for an injury is stipulated, and which, when executed, bars a …

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accordance ENGLISH

Agreement; harmony; conformity.

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An agreement between two persons, one of whom has a right of action against the other, that the latter should …

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accordantly ENGLISH

In accordance or agreement; agreeably; conformably; -- followed by with or to.

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according ENGLISH

Agreeing; in agreement or harmony; harmonious.

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accordment ENGLISH

Agreement; reconcilement.

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Additionales LAW AND LEGAL

In the law of con-tracts. Additional terms or propositions to he added to a former agreement

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adhesion ENGLISH

Agreement to adhere; concurrence; assent.

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A plighting of troth be-tween man and woman. Lltt | 39. An agreement by which a man or woman prom-ise …

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affinity ENGLISH

Kinship generally; close agreement; relation; conformity; resemblance; connection; as, the affinity of sounds, of colors, or of languages.

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